Ch. 16: Drunk

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It's 1am. You, Benedict and Shirley are still at the bar, but you're all getting ready to leave soon. You're really drunk. The result was five Smirnoffs and seven to eight shots of Rum Chata and Peppermint Schnapps. You're stumbling now.

People are still there, but talking and stuff. One man is by the jukebox, hugging it and saying, "I love this song.... S-Stacy's mom has got it goin' on... woo." You're sitting next to Benedict and he's standing right by you. You're holding onto his arm for support since you can't keep yourself up.

You say, "B-baby. I... I think we should go home. I can't walk right." You hiccup. He smirks and says, "I think so, too. I see you've had a good time." You say, "Mm, last nights... event was even funner.~" He blushes.

Shirley smirks and says, "Girl. This is why you fucking rock. Hey Benedict. Need any help carrying her out to your car?" He says, "Yeah. Come on. Let's go." He grabs you and you gasp and say, "D-don't drop me. I'll fall down." You hiccup and you say, "Woo!" Benedict says, "I won't drop you." You say, "P-promise?~" He says, "(Y/N). I promise I won't drop you."

You smile and you say, "Okay." He and Shirley both grab you and they help you to the door. One older man looks over. He's a big burly man and he says, "The young lady alright?" Shirley says, "Oh yeah. She's just a bit... drunk. Well, really drunk. She can't even walk within five feet without stumbling."

He says, "A ha ha. I have a daughter who did that a lot with her friends. I've seen it all, before." Benedict says, "Alright babe. Let's get you home. You need some sleep." They take you out and Benedict says, "See the red car over there?" Shirley looks over and says, "Damn that's a nice car." He says, "Right? Got it in a flash. Let's get her over there."

They get you in the passenger's side of the car and they close the door. Benedict gets in on the driver's side. Shirley says, "Well girl. Guess I'll see you later." You reach your hand out and you say, "W-wait. Bestie. Don't go." Benedict raises a brow and looks at you, then Shirley. He says, "Eh, what the hell. Get in the back."

Shirley smirks and says, "Sweet." She gets in the backseat and she shuts the door. Benedict starts the car, but it doesn't pull out of the parking space, instead it starts hovering from the ground.

Shirley says, "Holy shit! Are we in some kind of hover car? I-I mean I know you're rich and all, but still." Benedict says, "Richest man in this town. I can afford anything I can get my hands on." The wheels tuck underneath and flames come from the back. He takes off.

You look back and you smirk and say, "Nice ride, huh?" Shirley says, "Yeah. It sure is." You smirk and you say, "I had a nicer ride with HIM at home.~" You point to Benedict and you giggle. He blushes and he says, "God, you're a naughty little thing.~" You giggle and you sit up.

You stand on your knees, facing the backseat and you say, "Hey, Shirley. Y-you remember that night when we were twenty one? Halloween, 2011. Remember? It was... right outside on your back porch. You were so shit faced." You giggle.

Shirley says, "Oh god. I remember that, now that you mentioned it." Benedict says, "What happened?" Shirley says, "I did a beer bong shot and I was dressed as a witch. (Y/N) was a slutty police officer. She poured in not only beer into the bong. Well, a tube on a funnel... but she poured freaking whiskey in there, too. The whole goddamn bottle!"

Benedict starts to laugh and he says, "Oh, that's hilarious! You really did that, (Y/N)?!" You giggle and you sit back. You say, "I... I guess Shirley's doing her own... her own payback to me... eight years later. Now I'm the one that's blitzed."

Shirley says, "At least you didn't shit yourself in the making. Bitch." You and Benedict both laugh. You say, "You were so fucking wasted that night! Ha ha!" You sigh and you look over at Benedict. You say, "Baby.~"

He looks at you and says, "Yeah?" He faces the windshield. You grab his sleeve on his right arm and you say, "You amaze me so much. So much. I don't know what I'd do... if I saw you with another girl.~"

He raises a brow and he says, "(Y/N). Sweetheart. I love you. Do you think I would ever even think of cheating on you with another woman? No." You smile and you say, "That's good. I just love you so much, Benedict.~" He says, "Yeah. I love you too, (Y/N)."

You smirk and you whisper, "I'll bone you in your sleep.~" He blushes and you giggle and snort. Shirley starts to laugh and Benedict says, "What the hell was that?" Shirley says, "You just snorted! Ha ha!" 

You get to the Delightful Mansion and Benedict lands right in front of the house. He gets out and so does Shirley. They grab you and you cling to Benedict. You sigh and you smile. You all get to the double doors and Benedict opens them. You all head inside.

Shirley looks around and says, "Damn. You guys must have it made, huh? Jetpacks, butlers, maids, a pony for your kids possibly..." Benedict says, "Let's not forget that my Delightful Children get the best cake. Only for them." You say, "Are the... are the kids in bed?"

Benedict says, "Yeah. They are." You guys hear this, "Intruder!" Benedict looks over and Shirley gasps and looks over. She says, "Um. Hey." It's the Delightful Children and they look mad. They say, "Father. Who's this intruder?" They get a weapon out. Benedict snatches it from them saying, "No! She's a friend of your mother's. Show respect."

They put their heads down and they say, "Yes, father." You look at them and you say, "Hey guys. How... how are you?" They look at you and they say, "We're sorry, mother." You smile and you say, "Awe, babies. It's okay. You... you didn't know until now. Mama forgives you. I... I love you.~" You stumble.

They raise their brows and they say, "Is mother okay, father?" Benedict says, "She's fine kids. She's just... really tired is all." They say, "She's drunk, isn't she?" You say, "Yes. I am, children. Alcohol does that t-... does that to you. Makes you weird. Like I am... right now. Don't ever get stupid. C-continue... terrorizing kids below us." You hiccup.

They smile and they say, "We sure will. Goodnight, mother. Goodnight, father. You too..." Shirley says, "Shirley Kingston." They say, "Shirley." You say, "D-did you all... brush before bed?" They say, "Yes, mother." You say, "That's... that's good. Goodnight, little darlings. Mama's tired, now. Go back to bed." They say, "Yes, mother." They walk off.

Shirley says, "Damn, those are some obedient ass kids. That's very rare." Benedict says, "Yes. Indeed it is." You and Benedict hold in a laugh. Shirley says, "Where's your guys' room? Upstairs?" You say, "Mhm." Benedict says, "Yeah. Help me get her upstairs. She won't be able to make it up there herself, in her condition." Shirley and Benedict help you upstairs and they get you to bed.

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