Ch. 54: Katherine's Plan

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It's nighttime now. Everyone had gone home after the gathering. You're upstairs where your rooms are and telling the kids goodnight. You're in Judith's room, telling her goodnight. You and Benedict both. You pull the covers over her as she lays down. You smile and you say, "Goodnight, baby. We love you." Benedict says, "We love you so much, princess."

Judith smiles and says, "Goodnight, mama. Goodnight, daddy." She holds her arms up. You hug her and you kiss her on the cheek. You say, "Goodnight, baby." She says, "Goodnight, mama." You sit up. Benedict leans down and kisses her on the cheek. He says, "Goodnight, princess." She says, "Goodnight, daddy."

After telling her goodnight, you go to Violet's room. You see her laying in her bed, drinking from her sippy cup. You and Benedict walk over to her and you sit on her bed. You say, "There's mommy and daddy's little fireball.~" She smiles at you. She takes the sippy cup out of her mouth and says, "Love you, mommy. Love you, daddy."

You and Benedict lean down and you kiss her goodnight. You say, "Remember what we said about joining the Kids Next Door, little one.~" She says, "No." Benedict smiles and says, "That's right. They're our enemies, honey. Remember that." She nods. You and Ben tuck her in and you set her sippy cup on the nightstand in case she needed it again. You both head out of her room.

But as soon as you get to Jasper's door, you feel something is off. He's never this quiet. He's usually talking when playing his XBox or when he's on his phone playing a game before bed. Benedict says, "Strange. The boy's awfully quiet." You say, "I know." You knock and you say, "Jasper!? Baby!?" Nothing.

You knock again and you say, "Jasper!" Nothing. Benedict says, "Huh. He might already be asleep." You say, "Wanna check just in case?" He says, "Yeah. Okay." You open the door and Jasper's light is out. You whisper, "I think he is asleep. Come on."

You get in there and you see Jasper's window opened and the curtains blowing a bit from the wind. You say, "Why is his window so wide open?" You and Benedict walk over to your son's bed. You say, "Jasper?" You see a lump, thinking he's under there. But as soon as you pull the covers down, it's a pile of toys and clothes.

You gasp and you say, "J-Jasper?!" You look around saying, "Baby, where are you?!" Benedict says, "Son?!" He looks towards the opened window. You say, "Oh god, Ben! He's gone!" You and Benedict see a note hanging up by the window. You pick it up to read it.

"Mr. Uno, aka Father. I know you've figured me out. About me and Jasper. I know you're planning on doing a background check on me, too. That won't be necessary because I'm leaving soon anyways. I'm bailing. Getting away from this town... and I've decided to take Jasper with me.

Sincerely, The 'Good' babysitter... Katherine Willis."

You gasp and you drop the note. You say, "K-Katherine?!" Benedict says, "Monty was right! Come on!" He grabs your hand and you both run out of the room. Judith comes walking out and says, "Mama! Daddy! What's going on?!" You look over and you say, "Grab your sister and let's go, honey!" She says, "What's wrong?" Benedict says, "Jasper's been kidnapped!"

Judith says, "What?! By who?! Is it Katherine?!" You say, "Yes. W... How did you know?" She says, "I knew the whole time." Benedict says, "Doesn't matter. Grab your sister and let's go get him. Now!" Judith runs to Violet's room.

Violet sits up and rubs her eyes as her light gets turned on. She sees Judith and says, "Sissy?" Judith runs to her and says, "Come on, Vi. We gotta go." She picks her up and Violet clings to her. She runs out of there with her.

You see the girls and you take Violet. Benedict grabs Judith's hand and you all head downstairs. You head out the door and you get to your car. You still have your car since you've moved to that town ten years ago. Benedict is behind the wheel while the girls are strapped in the backseat.

Pyromancer and Love Interest (Father (K.N.D.) x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora