Ch. 32: Heartache

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You get home and Father brings you inside. The Delightful Children are all sad for you, now. You're crying. You drop down to your knees and you sob. You're devastated after your mom had just died from that car hitting her. Father says, "Children... shut the doors." They say, "Yes, father."

They shut the doors. They walk over to you and they say, "Mother." You turn to face them and you pull them in for a hug. They comfort you and Father says, "Oh babe... I'm sorry that had to happen."

You say, "I... I know she was terrible before... But I didn't want THIS! Not like this!" Bruce strokes your hair and they say, "It'll be alright, mother. Go upstairs. Get some rest." Bruce kisses you on the forehead.

You get up and Father says, "Children. Take your sister for a moment." He hands the baby to them and Constance takes her. He walks to you and says, "Baby... Come on. Let's go upstairs." You sob uncontrollably and you cling to Father as he takes you upstairs.

The Delightful Children hear a knock on the doors and they say, "Who could that be?" They open a door and there stands Shirley. She says, "Is your guys' mom in here?" They say, "Upstairs with Father. Mother's very upset after her mom had just died."

Shirley comes in and says, "I know. That was pretty fucked up. I was in that store when I heard the crash." She shuts the door and she says, "I'll be right down." She sees Judith and she smiles and says, "Hi, sweetie.~" Judith manages a smile. Shirley sighs and walks upstairs.

Right inside yours and Father's room, Father is holding you close to himself as you cry. He says, "Baby. I... I know. Come here." You say, "Mama... Mama!" You sob. He rubs your back and he says, "Shh." He kisses you on the forehead and he says, "I'm sorry, baby. I'm sorry."

He hears a knock on the bedroom door and he says, "Not now, children! I..." You hear this, "It's Shirley." You say, "C-come in." The door opens and in comes Shirley. She walks over and says, "(Y/N)." Father moves away. You stand up and you hug her. She hugs you back.

She says, "I'm so sorry, (Y/N). I'm sorry that had to happen to her." You sob and you say, "I didn't want that, Shirley! She... I know she wasn't.. the greatest. But... she was my mom, Shirley! She was my fucking mother!" You sob.

She rocks you a bit and she says, "Shh." She kisses you on the top of the head and she says, "It's okay, (Y/N). I'm here, girl. I'm sorry. I know... I was there when I heard the crash. I'm so sorry about your mom." You cough as you cry.

Father says, "Hand her to me." Shirley lets you go and you go back over to Father. He pulls you closer to him and he says, "Honey." He kisses you on the forehead and he says, "Get some rest. You've had a rough day." You get on the bed and you lay on it. You continue crying. Father says, "Honey. I'll be right back. Shirley?"

He walks out and Shirley looks back saying, "Just know (Y/N). I love you, girl. I'm here. Anything you need... just ask, okay?" You sniffle and you nod. She sighs and she whispers, "I'm so sorry (Y/N)." She walks out of the room.


Meanwhile, at Genki and Kani's place. Genki's sitting on the couch, crying. Kani's sitting next to her. Sure her sister wasn't the greatest towards her, but Megumi was still her sister nonetheless. She says, "My god. How could it come to this? A-and she died right in (Y/N)'s arms."

Kani sits closer to her and he says, "Honey. I understand. That was your sister." She sighs and tears go down her face. She says, "I need to get a hold of Derek. Let him know my sister's dead." Kani says, "(Y/N)'s dad?" She says, "Yes." He says, "Do what you must."

She gets her phone out and she looks up Derek (L/N)'s number. Your father. She finds it and she gives him a call. She waits for it. She gets this, "Hello? Who's this?" Genki says, "Derek. It's Genki." "Genki Sanban? Ah, no way! I hadn't heard from you in years. How have you been?" "Okay. But I've got some bad news to bare." "What happened? Is it (Y/N)?" "No... It's her mom." "What's up?" "Derek. Megumi died earlier today. In (Y/N)'s arms. A car hit her at a gas station." "Ah, you're shitting me!" "No. I'm not." She sniffles.

He says, "Ah shit. I'm coming to that town right now. Is (Y/N) there? I wanna see my daughter." "No, she's not. She's living with her fiancé in a mansion now." "Give me directions, so I know. Please? I wanna be there for her, more. My little girl. I know I've got a few grandbabies now." "You do. (Y/N) has five adopted children and one biological one. She lives in the Delightful Mansion From Down the Lane. You'll know it when you see it." "Thank you. I'll come by and see you guys while I'm at it." "Okay." "Damn. Poor Megumi. Yeah, your sis was pretty fucked up and hurting my baby... but she didn't need to die. I'm coming there. In fact, I'm gonna move into your guys' town so I can be closer to my daughter. That's fucked up. Poor kid didn't need to see her mom die." "We'll see you when you get here, Derek."

She hangs up after talking to your dad. She sighs and she says, "We'll need to get a hold of some family in Japan, Kani. My mother needs to know... her eldest daughter was killed." Kani says, "Honey. I'll get you a glass of water. I'll be right back." Genki sighs and says, "Thank you." Kani gets up and walks off. Genki sniffles and tears come down her face.

Kuki and Mushi suddenly walk in. Sad looks on their faces. Kuki says, "Mama?" Mushi says, "Mommy. I'm sad. Why did aunt Megumi have to go?" Genki sighs and says, "Girls. Come here." They walk in and they get to their mom. They sit next to her and they hug her. Kuki says, "I'm here for you, mama." Mushi says, "Yeah. Me too."

Genki sighs and says, "Thank you, girls. We need to plan a date for your aunt's funeral. We're cremating her." Mushi says, "What's cremating mean, mama?" Genki says, "After someone dies, you burn them to ash instead of bury them six feet below the ground." Mushi says, "They can do that?" Genki says, "Yes, honey. In fact nowadays, most people go that way after they die."

Kuki says, "I know aunt Megumi wasn't very good with (Y/N) before. But I didn't want her to die. I... I really didn't." Tears sting her eyes. Genki sighs and says, "Oh, honey. I know." She holds the girls close. Kani comes back with a glass of water and hands it to his wife. She takes it and she drinks it. He sits down. They all mourn over the death of your mother. Genki's sister.


Later on, back at the Delightful Mansion. You're sitting back on yours and Father's bed. You've got Judith in your arms. You look at her and you say, "Your grandma never got a chance to hold you. But at least... she saw you and told you she loved you."

Judith makes a noise. A pacifier is in her mouth. You lean down and you kiss her on the cheek. You say, "Mommy loves you, baby. I won't let any harm come to you." You sigh and tears form in your eyes. You say, "I... I just lost MY mama. And I'll never see her again." You sniffle. Judith has somewhat a sympathetic look on her face from seeing you sad. Even for a baby.

You hear this, "Mother." You see the Delightful Children in the doorway. You say, "Come in, children." They walk in and they say, "Mother. We know you're upset. But please come downstairs and eat something? You need your nutrients." You sigh and you say, "Yeah... okay." You get up and you walk to them.

You say, "I love you guys so much." They say, "We love you too, mother." You lean down and you kiss them all on the cheek. You stand up saying, "Come on." You walk out with Judith in your arms and the Delightful Children follow you.

Pyromancer and Love Interest (Father (K.N.D.) x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now