Ch. 19: New Thing Coming

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A month passes. Lately, you've been feeling a bit sick at times. You'd be throwing up occasionally, then you'd be alright after that. There are even moments where you'd be even hungrier than usual.

You're in the dining room right now with Benedict and the Delightful Children. You're chowing down your food and you say, "Mm, good. I'm so hungry." Benedict says, "Babe. We're rich. We get anything we want."

You say, "I know that. I just tend to eat a lot more than usual, recently." You eat more food. The Delightful Children smirk because they already sense what's happened to you. They say, "Have some rest after dinner, mother. You deserve it."

You say, "Awe. You five are so sweet to mama. Yeah. I'll do that." You keep eating. Benedict says, "Children. You have something to say? I know you can sense when things are about to happen. But tell me... or tell US later." They say, "Yes, father. We know exactly what's going on with mother. We'll tell you both later." You all eat your dinner the rest of the time.


You're in the bathroom attached to yours and Benedict's room and you're over the toilet yet again, throwing up. You say, "Ugh. W-what's happening to me? Am I getting the flu? I... Oh.. oh god. Ugh. H-here it comes again."

You throw up and retching sounds can be heard right inside your room. Benedict hears them and he makes a 'tss' sound. He hears you again. Finally, it stops and he hears a flush. He hears water running and he sees you coming out of the bathroom. You say, "Ugh. Finally done... for now."

You walk over to the bed and you plop down on it. He says, "You alright, honey?" You say, "Yeah, I'll be fine. Weird though. I'm sick one moment, then I'm perfectly fine after that. Yet, I get a lot of cravings."

He comes to realize it and he says, "Oh my god." You say, "What?" He says, "Get up. The Delightful Children will know somethings going on with you. Let's find out what it is. But I get the feeling you're pr... Let's get to them." You get up and you say, "Okay."

You and Benedict get up and you leave the room. You get downstairs and you see the Delightful Children standing there. They smile and they say, "Mother. Father. We can sense the distress. We can tell you now. We know what's going on with mother."

You say, "Tell us what it is, kids." They say, "Yes, mother. Do you know why you'll feel sick at times and become hungrier than usual?" They chuckle and they say, "Mother... You're carrying a new sibling for us." You and Benedict gasp. Turns out, you're pregnant. You look down at your stomach and you say, "That would explain it."

Benedict faces you and you face him. He grins and says, "Congrats, honey." You smile and you hug him. He holds you close and he says, "There are gonna be a few changes, now that you five are going to be... older siblings." They say, "Yes, father?"

You and Benedict pull away and he says, "Come with me and your mother. I'll be Father when telling you this. It has to look good... or evil." They say, "Yes, father." You say, "Is it about them, babe?" Benedict says, "Yes, sweetheart. It is. Come on. We've got a lot to talk about." You, Benedict and the Delightful Children walk off.

Moments later, Benedict who is now Father, you and the Delightful Children are in the living room. They're standing there, facing you and Father, who are standing in front of them. Father says, "Children. There are gonna be some changes, now that you've got a younger sibling arriving in nine months." They say, "What would that be, father?"

He puts the pipe in his mouth and he says, "Since the five of you will be older siblings for the little one... it's gonna remain that way. You'll all still be delightful like you are... but I'm making it to where you won't be children forever. You'll grow older just like the rest of us. You've all got something more important than trying to destroy the Kids Next Door, and that's helping me and your mother with your younger sibling. Understand?"

They say, "Yes, father." You smile and you say, "Good. I see you're all taking this very well. Your little sibling will need their protective older siblings. Mama appreciates it." They say, "Of course, mother." You say, "Good."

Father says, "Also, children... the little one is next in line to take my place after I'm gone. This mansion. My job. Everything I own... will be his or hers. Until the day the child turns eighteen, you've all got a responsibility ahead of you. If they want to go anywhere with you... take them. They get the first slice of our cake. Any place they want to sit in the dining room during dinner, let them sit there. Understand?" They say, "Yes, father."

You smile and you say, "I think this baby will be a great thing. I have a chance to be the loving mother my mom never was towards me." Father says, "My dad never cared for me, either. That makes two of us, my dear." He puts his arm around you and you sigh and smile.

Father says, "Children... it's time. Come with me." They say, "Yes, father." You say, "Hey, look on the bright side of this whole aging thing... you'll get to be adults in a few years." You smile. They smile and they say, "Yes! Adulthood!" Father says, "Babe. We'll be right back. Have a seat and watch something on TV." You say, "Yeah. I'll do that." The Delightful Children follow Father off elsewhere.

You sit down on the couch and you say, "Wow... I'm pregnant. This is a whole new chapter for me. I've got a great man, despite being the arch nemesis to the Kids Next Door. Five adopted children and one biological one coming up. We have a lot in common, too. Me and Benedict do. Oh god, I love him." You pick up the remote and you turn the TV on. You say, "Oh shit. I can't forget to call aunt Genki and let those guys know I'm pregnant." You watch TV for a little bit.

Pyromancer and Love Interest (Father (K.N.D.) x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now