Ch. 59: A Talk With Jasper

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Later on, you're in your room. You were kind of tired at the moment. You've got Violet in there with you. She's crashed out and laying close to you. You look at her and you smile saying, "My baby girl." You kiss her on the forehead.

You hear the door opening and you look over to see Benedict. He says, "Hey, honey." You smile and you say, "Hi." He walks over to see that you've got Violet with you. He says, "Have you had a talk with Jasper about Katherine, yet?" You say, "I'm about to after a little nap. Violet's crashed out. See?"

He sees her and he smiles saying, "Ah, I see. Our little fireball." He gently runs his hand on top of Violet's head. He looks at you saying, "After our talk with him, we'll go to the juvenile detention center and bail Katherine out. Um... when do you think we should go?" You say, "Tomorrow." He says, "Alright." He leans down to kiss you and you kiss him back. He pulls up. He kisses Violet on the cheek and he stands up saying, "I'll leave you to it."

He's about to walk out but you say, "Ben. Come lay with us." He looks back. He says, "Oh... alright." You smile. He kicks his shoes off and he walks over. He lays on the bed with you and Violet. You say, "Scoot closer to us, babe." He does so. He looks at your guys' youngest child and he says, "I'm amazed at how smart she really is for a two-year-old." You say, "Yeah. I know."

You look at him and you say, "Ben. I'm gonna tell Jasper what happened to Katherine so he'll understand why she did what she did." Benedict says, "Yeah. I'm evil. I terrorize the Kids Next Door... But with what happened to Katherine... That's sick shit. People like her dad deserve to be castrated." You sigh and you say, "I'm bailing her out, tomorrow." You and Benedict lay there and you talk while Violet naps.


An hour later, you're walking to Jasper's room. You get to his door and you knock. You hear him say, "Yeah?!" You say, "Baby. It's mama. Can I come in and have a talk with you?" You see the door opening and you look down at your son. He says, "A... am I in trouble?" You say, "No, baby. No. You're not in trouble. Mommy just wants to talk to you."

He says, "Okay." He lets you in and you walk over to his bed with him. You sit down and he sits next to you. You say, "Jasper. There's something I need to tell you." He says, "About what?" You say, "About Katherine." He has a sort of angry look on his face and he looks away saying, "Oh... her."

You sigh. You say, "Jasper. Look at me. Please?" He looks at you and says, "I said I never wanted to see her again after what she did to me." You say, "Sweetie. Her daddy did a lot worse to HER." His angry expression turns into a more questioning one and he says, "What?"

He looks at you. You say, "Do you know why she acted the way she did?" He says, "Why?" You sigh and you say, "Her mom, Linda... She told me everything that had happened. Katherine didn't have it very well when she was only Judith's age. Her dad... touched her."

He says, "Touched her?" You say, "Yes. Not in a good way, either." He says, "Wait. Y-you mean like..." He points down at himself saying, "THERE?" You sigh and you nod saying, "Yes, sweetie. Exactly that. He... molested her." He says, "What does that mean? Molested?" You say, "It's what adults do when they really love each other, but this was unwanted. Forced. And she was so young."

He says, "O-oh my god. Her own dad did that?!" You say, "Yes. Wait... how did you discover these even slightly?" He says, "Mushi told me what it was. Pedo... something." You say, "Pedophiles. That's what Katherine's dad is. That's why he's in prison. Good riddance. But Jasper... your daddy and I are going to bail Katherine out, tomorrow. The real victim... was her."

He sighs and he looks away saying, "Great. Now I feel like a little asshole for saying I didn't wanna see her again." You say, "Jasper. Don't say that." He looks at you with a sad expression saying, "S-sorry."

You put your hand on his face and you say, "You are NOT a little asshole. Not even at the slightest. Even if people thought you were... you're always my baby boy. No matter what. And besides, you didn't know until I told you what happened to her. None of us knew about what really happened to Katherine until her mom told us. You're fine." He smiles at you. You kiss him on the forehead.

You say, "Now you understand, baby?" He nods and says, "Yeah." You say, "Good. Because after we bail her out... we may hire her back. But we are gonna make some new rules for her. You too, mister. No sneaking out. Your window will be locked this time. You're lucky we're rich and we have good central air conditioning. We can keep your room cool during the summer and warm during the winter, anytime. And absolutely NO alcohol. You're eight. She's fourteen. You're both too young to be smoking and drinking... and to be dating. Understand, young man?"

He nods and says, "Yes, mama." You smile and you say, "Good." You kiss him on the cheek. You say, "I just wanted to tell you all of this. About what happened to Katherine. I'm going to inform everyone else that came to our house the day they found out about your kidnapping. They need to know so they can understand." He nods.

You say, "Hmm... Why don't you come out of your room for a little bit, honey? You, Judith and Violet can have a snack before you head to bed." He says, "Okay." You get up and so does he. You both walk out of his room and you see Judith walking out of hers.

You say, "Good. You're out. Go get your sister, Judith. I'll give you all a snack before you brush and go to bed." She says, "Yes, mama." She walks to Violet's door and walks in there to get her. She comes back out with her. Violet looks at Judith and says, "Sissy." She looks at Jasper saying, "Bubby." You say, "Come on, kids." You lead them all downstairs.

Pyromancer and Love Interest (Father (K.N.D.) x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now