Ch. 37: Second Born

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Nine months pass. You and Father aka Benedict are married now. So now you're (Y/N) Uno. It turns out you were right the whole time. A couple of months back, the Delightful Children have sensed something. The gender of the child. You are in fact, having a boy this time.

You had even gone to the doctor to have pictures of the ultrasound taken in 3d. It shows the ahem 'parts' and everything. You're due anytime. And Shirley and Count Spankulot will be having a son, too. The boys will be about the same age.

Judith can walk now. She's talking a bit more. Almost a sentence. She can say, "Love you, mommy." or "Love you daddy." There was a one time Father caught her taking something from the Kids Next Door. Something they needed to run their ship to the moon base for their ice cream.

He was happy about it. She seems to be showing her evil side at some point and she's not even two years old, yet. He said this to her, "Daddy's proud of you, princess." She'd smile and they'd both laugh together at some schemes. She is next in line to have the mansion and the company when he's gone or retired.

Judith had even tried to blow up the K.N.D. tree house one time, but that failed because Kuki bribed her with a yellow Rainbow Monkey toy. That was her distraction. Toys. It's not like you and Father could blame her. She's a baby. Babies like toys.

You, Father, the Delightful Children and Judith are all in the dining room eating dinner at the moment. You say, "Mm. So good. I was hungry." Father says, "Yeah? Well, you gotta feed that kid, babe." You say, "Yeah. I know. What I eat, he eats. What I listen to, he listens to. Music wise, I mean." You take a bite of your chicken.

Judith says, "Mama." You pick up a piece of food for her and you put it in her mouth. She eats it. Father says, "Judith. You're a big girl. You can pick the food up, yourself." She sticks her tongue out at him. You stifle a laugh. The Delightful Children laugh a bit. Father says, "Yeah yeah. Laugh it up." Judith giggles and drinks from her sippy cup. Thing is, Judith can be pretty ornery at times, too.

The Delightful Children smile and they say, "Anytime now, our little brother will be here." You say, "Yeah. I know. Judith." She looks at you. Mouth messy from food and she says, "Mama?" You smile and you say, "You up for being responsible for your little brother?" She smiles and nods. You all continue eating dinner.


After you're done eating, you're outside on the bridge. You've got Judith standing by you. She's looking down in the water and pointing at the fish saying, "Fishy." You say, "That's right, pumpkin. There are fishies in there." She says, "Wa... ter." You say, "That's right. That's water. You're talking so well. Smart, too."

You gasp and you clinch your stomach. You look down and you gasp as you see something dripping from you. Judith looks up at you and says, "Mama?" You say, "J-Judith. Go get daddy!" She runs off the bridge and she runs to the back door. She yells, "Daddy!!"

You barely walk off the bridge, towards the house. You only make it halfway before you stop. The back door opens and there's Benedict. He looks down at Judith and says, "What's wrong, princess. Are y..." He looks over to see you and he notices you clinching your stomach. He runs over.

He gets to you and he says, "Come on, honey." You say, "It's coming!" He brings you and Judith inside and he yells, "Children!" He picks Judith up. The Delightful Children come into the lobby and they say, "Yes, father?" He says, "Your mother's having the baby. Let's go." They gasp. They all get you out to the limo.

Judith says, "Mama?" Benedict says, "Yes, honey. Mommy's having the baby. Your brother will be here really soon." She says, "Bubby?" You're panting a bit. Judith looks scared and says, "Mama?! Mama!"

You all get in the limo and Benedict says, "She's okay, honey. Mommy's okay." He kisses Judith on the forehead. You say, "Awe. She's scared for me. I'm..." You hiss and you say, "Mommy will be... o-okay, honey." You pant a bit.

Benedict gets his phone out and makes a call. He says, "Yes, hello. Monty?... Yeah, she's having him. We're on our way to the hospital... Okay. Bye." After talking to his brother, he calls your aunt's number and he gets it.

He says, "Hello? Hey, Genki. Your niece is having him today... That's right. We're on our way to the hospital right now... We'll see you then." He hangs up after talking to her and he says, "Driver! The hospital. Now! Step on it!" The driver says, "Yes, sir." He drives you all to the hospital.


Hours go by, you're laying back on the hospital bed. You've got something in your arms, wrapped in a blue blanket. It's him. Your baby boy. He was just born ten minutes ago. You smile and you say, "Awe, Ben. Look at him. He's so cute.~"

Ben says, "Yeah." He looks at his son and says, "Hey, buddy." The baby looks up at his daddy and he coos. Ben looks at you and says, "Thought of a name?" You say, "Yeah." He says, "What should we name him?" You say, "Um... Jasper." You look down at him and you say, "Jasper Benedict Uno." He says, "Good enough for me." He smiles.

You sweetly say, "Jasper.~" He looks up at you and coos. You smile and you say, "Hi, pumpkin.~" He manages a little smile. The best a newborn can do. You lean down and you kiss him on the cheek.

You hear the door opening and you see some family members coming in. Your aunt Genki and uncle Kani. Kuki and Mushi. Benedict's brother, Monty and his wife. Nigel too. Your dad Derek even showed up. The Delightful Children. Bruce is holding Judith.

Kuki gasps and she looks at her mom. Genki says, "Go ahead, honey. You can see him. Take Judith over there with you." The Delightful Children sigh and they say, "Here you go... Kuki." They hand the toddler to Kuki and she takes her. They walk over. Benedict takes Judith and he says, "Here he is, honey. Your brother."

Kuki sees him and she says, "Awe... He's so cute.~" Mushi comes over and looks too. Judith points to the baby and says, "Bubby?" You say, "That's right, baby. That's your little brother. That's Jasper. Give him a kiss." Judith leans in and kisses Jasper on the cheek. Everyone behind her says, "Awe." Jasper grunts a bit and he opens his eyes to look at his sister.

Benedict says, "Children. Come see your brother. Let him see more of his siblings." They say, "Yes, father." They come over and they see him. They say, "Hello, Jasper. Welcome to this world, little brother. We'll protect you. We'll teach you our ways the way we teach Judith."

Your dad comes over and he says, "Congratulations, baby. He's a cute kid." He kisses you on the forehead and you say, "Thanks, daddy." Derek looks at Judith and says, "Like your little brother, Judith?" She smiles and nods. He says, "Ah, that's great. You're great kids." You all admire your son the entire time.

Pyromancer and Love Interest (Father (K.N.D.) x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon