Ch. 21: Baby's Home

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A day later, you're back home. This time, with baby Judith. You're upstairs with her right now, she's in your arms as she cries. You're in her room which is next door from yours and Benedict's. You rock her a little bit and you say, "Shh. Baby. It's okay. Mommy's right here.~"

Her cries die down and she looks up at you. You smile down at her and you say, "There's mommy's pretty little girl.~" You lean down to kiss her on the cheek. She coos. You say, "Judith. I'll be the best mom there ever was. Better than mine. I won't let anyone hurt you, baby. Because if they do..." Your eyes turn red and you say, "Mama will strike."

She smiles up at you. Your eyes go back to the way they were and you smile and say, "Yes I will.~" She makes a noise. You hear this, "Oh honey!" It's Benedict... as Benedict. You smile and you say, "Daddy's coming to see you, pumpkin.~" You look over and you say, "In Judith's room!"

You see Benedict walking in and he smiles. He says, "There you are." You smile and you say, "Hi, sweetie." He walks over and he says, "Let me see her." You say, "Okay." You hand the baby to Benedict and he takes her.

She looks up at him and she coos. He says, "Honey. I'll be much better to you than my dad ever was to me. Nobody's gonna hurt you, Judith...." He turns into Father at the moment and he says, "Nobody at all." He goes back to being Benedict and he smiles and says, "Okay?" She smiles up at him and she suddenly burps. But when she does, some little flames come out.

You gasp. Judith manages a smile. Benedict smiles and says, "My little girl.~" He leans down to kiss her on the cheek and she coos. You smile and you say, "Looks like she picked up on your powers, babe. She can make fire too."

He says, "That's pretty damn early. She's two days old. But just imagine how strong she's gonna be once she takes my place in this house. Everything I own." You say, "Right?" You look down at her and you say, "But I will be the best mama for her. Next time I see mine, I won't let her anywhere near her."

You look at Benedict with red eyes and you say, "Because if she so much as hurts a hair on my baby's head, I'll really make her wish she never had me in the first place. More than she already did." Your eyes go back to normal and you look down at Judith. Benedict grins and says, "You and me both, babe. That's how Grandfather is... my dad."

You say, "Is that what he goes by? Grandfather?" He says, "Yes." You say, "Well he is one for real, now." He says, "He's been one for at least ten years that I know of. Nigel Uno." You say, "That's ri..." You gasp and you say, "Oh shit." He says, "What?"

You say, "I know he's our enemy, but I do hope he's aware that Judith had arrived yesterday. This is his cousin, after all." He says, "No no. You're right. Looks like I'm gonna have to get a hold of Monty once again. My brother." You say, "Is that who Nigel's dad is?"

He says, "Yes. That's just something you and I have in common (Y/N)... besides the fact that we've had a hard life with our parents. I've got a nephew from the Kids Next Door. You've got a cousin in there... and soon to be nephew." You say, "Yeah. True."

Judith starts crying and you say, "Awe, sweetheart.~" You say, "Babe. I'm pretty sure she's needing to be fed. Hand her over." He says, "Okay." He gives the baby to you and you walk to the rocking chair. You sit down and you pull your shirt down a bit.

Benedict smirks and says, "Nice.~" You say, "Oh, shut it. Pervert." You start breastfeeding Judith and she starts drinking from you. You sigh and you smile down at her. Benedict can't look away. You say, "I see you staring.~" He says, "You've got such nice tits.~" You say, "I think our Delightful Children are getting home from school right now. Better get down there."

He says, "Oh... Fine." You smirk and he turns away saying, "You think I don't know that you're steering me away?" You giggle. He says, "I'll be right back." You say, "Love you.~" He sighs and smiles saying, "I love you too." He walks out.

Sure enough, the doors open and he hears this, "Hello, father! Hello, mother! Hello, little sister!" They see Benedict at the top of the stairs and he says, "Good. You're home. Your mother's up here feeding Judith." They walk over and he says, "Breastfeeding." They stop and they say, "Eww. We'll pass." They walk off. He stifles a laugh and he says, "Didn't think so."

Right upstairs, you get done with breastfeeding Judith and you pull your shirt back up. She's fast asleep now. You lean down to kiss her on the forehead and you stand up. You walk to her crib and you lay her in it. You pacify her with a stuffed dragon and she grips it. You smile and you whisper, "I'll be back up for you, sweet pea.~" You walk out of the room to let your daughter sleep.

~" You walk out of the room to let your daughter sleep

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(If Pinkie Pie and Dragonite had a baby. Pic above.)

You get to Benedict and you stand with him. He looks over and he smirks. He pulls you close and you cling to him. He says, "The children went off elsewhere at the moment." You say, "What about it?" He gives you the half lidded eyes and you blush.

He leans in to kiss you and you kiss him back. He moves his hands down your sides and you moan into the kiss. You rip his white shirt open, exposing a bit of his chest and you lean down to kiss it. He holds back a moan and he says, "Th-the children... babe.~" You say, "They're not there right now, sweetie.~" You kiss up his chest and to his neck.

You wrap your arms around him and you say, "I'm so glad you're mine, Benedict.~" You suck on his neck and he holds back a moan from escaping his lips. He whispers, "Ooh, god.~" You move away and you look to see that you've left a hickey on his neck. You say, "There's your mark.~"

He feels his neck and he says, "W-what did you give me? A hickey?" You giggle and you say, "Yes, sir.~" He buttons his shirt back up and he hides the hickey on his neck. You say, "Awe. I was loving the view.~" He chuckles and says, "One more month, baby... it's back to the sack.~" You smirk and you say, "Okay.~"

He says, "Guess I better give my brother a call, huh? He has to know his niece is here." You say, "Yes. Judith's asleep right now." He says, "That's good. Let's go downstairs." You and Benedict both head downstairs.

Pyromancer and Love Interest (Father (K.N.D.) x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now