Ch. 51: Judith Finds Out

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The next day, Judith and Jasper are at school. You're at home with Violet. You're in her room, playing with her. She's running to you. She gets to you and you act like she knocked you down. You hold onto her as you fall.

She laughs. She says, "Again!" You sit up and she runs on the other side of the room. You say, "Aaand go!" She runs towards you and she pretends to knock you down. Again, you bring her down as you hold onto her. She laughs. She says, "I got you, mommy!" You sit up and you say, "Yeah. You sure did, baby.~" You kiss her on the cheek.

You say, "Why don't we go see what daddy's doing, huh pumpkin?~" She smiles and nods with her tongue sticking out. You stand up and you carry her. She clings to you. You say, "Let's go see daddy.~" You kiss her on the forehead and you walk out of her room with her. You head downstairs and and you get to the office. You knock and you hear this from Father, "(Y/N)?"

You say, "Yeah, baby. It's me." He says, "You have Violet with you?" You say, "Yeah." He says, "Come in." You open the office door and you see him sitting at the chair behind his desk. You say, "Damn, you're still sexy as hell.~" He smirks and says, "Says the milf.~"

Violet says, "Daddy!" He smiles and says, "Hey, princess. How are you?~" She says, "Good." He stands up and he walks around the desk. He walks to you and Violet and Violet holds her arms out to him. He says, "Alright. Daddy will take you. Come here, my little fireball."

He takes his youngest daughter and he holds her. He says, "Now Violet. Daddy wants to see if you can answer this with a yes or no, okay?" She nods. He says, "Would you be happy to follow in our footsteps and help your big sister Judith run Evil Adult Industries Inc after I retire?" She smiles and nods.

He says, "Good. Now... Should you ever join the Kids Next Door?" She shakes her head for no. You say, "Very good, sweetie." He smiles and says, "Remember, princess. The Kids Next Door are our enemies. That means we never join them. Your cousin Nigel Uno, mommy's cousin Kuki Sanban and the others may be grown up now, but there's always gonna be a new generation of the Kids Next Door. We destroy them when we get the chance, okay?"

She nods and says, "Okay." He says, "Good." He kisses her on the cheek and she hugs him. You smile and you say, "Awe. She loves you, daddy.~" He looks at you and says, "I'll do anything to protect her. Even if it's setting someone on fire to do so, I'll do it. Anything for my wife and children." You smile and you say, "Awe, Ben.~"

He leans in to kiss you and you kiss him back. Violet says, "You're kissing!" She giggles. You pull apart and you both look at Violet. Father says, "Want some dessert, baby?" She smiles and nods. You say, "Okay. Mommy and daddy will get you some dessert." You both walk out of the office.


Meanwhile at Gallagher Elementary, Jasper is outside during recess. Unfortunately, Damien is sick for the day so Jasper's pretty upset about his best friend being out sick. He's sitting there in the sandbox by himself when suddenly, "Oh, Jasper."

He looks over near the woods to see Katherine standing there. He smiles and he gets up. He walks over to her and she smiles and says, "Hey, sweet thing. Come with me. Into the woods." He follows her into the woods. They're unaware that a certain older sister of Jasper's saw them walking into the woods and she sneaks over there.

As Jasper follows Katherine through the woods, she says, "I found a shed through here, earlier. I took something from my 'rents' fridge. I'll share it with you." He says, "Is it wine, again?" She grins and says, "Yes." 

They get to a shed and she says, "Here we are." Jasper looks around and says, "Woods are pretty creepy." She says, "Don't sweat it, sweetie. Come in here and you'll feel safe." She brings him in and she shuts the door. She locks it and she says, "Good. In case anyone were to catch us drinking, I've got it locked. It's not like they'll suspect anyone in here, right?" Jasper says, "Yeah."

Pyromancer and Love Interest (Father (K.N.D.) x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now