Ch. 2: Calling Your Aunt

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You get into the office of the motel and you get to the desk. The guy behind it looks up and sees you. He smiles and says, "Hello, young lady. What can I do you in for?" You say, "Yes hi. My name's (Y/N) (L/N). I'm here to check into a room for tonight, then I'll be out of here."

He says, "One night, huh?" You nod. He gets up and says, "I've got two vacant rooms for the night. Let me grab a key for you." He walks over to the keys and grabs one. He walks over and he says, "That'll be $29.99." You pay him and he gives you the key saying, "Have a good night, Miss. (L/N)." You say, "Thank you." 

You take the room key and you walk out of the office. You get to your car and you get your suitcases out. You walk to your motel room. Room 8. You go in there and you lock the door behind you. You set your stuff down on one of the double beds. You turn the lamp on between the two beds. You sit on the other bed. The one furthest from the door and closest to the bathroom.

You get your phone out and you plug your charger into the wall. You sigh and you lay back on the bed. You dial your aunt Genki's number and you wait. It rings. You suddenly get this, "Hello? Who is this I'm speaking to?"

You say, "Hello. Aunt Genki. It's me. (Y/N) (L/N)." "(Y/N)? It's... It's been a long time since I've heard from you." "Yeah. It has. Hey listen. I've just left my home. I was in an abusive relationship with my now ex boyfriend, Ronnie Jacobs." "What about it?" "I'm staying in a motel tonight. Probably about two hundred miles from where you guys are. I'm heading out tomorrow. I'm coming to move into your guys' town. I may visit and stay at some more hotels I can find."

You sit up. You hear her say this, "(Y/N). There's no need for that, hon. Listen to what I'm about to tell you." "I'm listening." "Kani and I have a spare room. I suggest you come and live with us instead. Until you're back on your feet again, at least." "You'd really do that for me?" "Yes."

You feel an ounce of joy and you smile saying, "Aunt Genki. Thank you so much." "Not a problem. It's obvious dear. We're your only resort. I understand your mother wasn't the best. I know... she's my sister." "Aunt Genki. I appreciate it so much. How's Kuki by the way? I haven't seen her since she was a baby." "She's doing good. I've got another child too. Her name's Mushi and she's five years old. It's time you saw them again. That you saw US again. Gives you a chance to see Mushi for the first time." "I had to get away, aunt Genki. I really did. I'll tell you more about it when I see you guys." "That's good. I'll let Kani and the girls know you'll be on your way here." "Alright. I'll be there, tomorrow."

After a talk with your aunt, you hang up. You sigh and look over at the side table. You see the remote. You pick it up and you turn the TV on. You flip through some channels and you say, "Ugh. Nothing good is on." You turn the TV off.

You say, "No problem. I'll look at my phone." You get on your phone and you get on youtube to watch a couple of videos. You listen to some music on there too. You put it on the song Bother by Stone Sour. You lay back and you sing a bit of it. "Wish I was too dead to cry. My self-affliction fades..." You hum to the song.

You suddenly hear some shouting next door from you. You groan and you say, "Great. Something to remind me of the life I'm leaving." You turn your music up. You say, "At least I'm not putting up with it, now. Glad I got away." You listen to stuff on youtube until you get tired and fall asleep.


The next day, you're heading out of the motel after returning the key to the office and getting into your car. You get your stuff in the backseat and you get up front. You close the door and you put the key into the ignition. You turn it and you drive out of there.

You get on the interstate and you say, "It'll take me at least 3 in a half hours to get there. May as well stop at a few gas stations on the way and get some fast food or something on my way." You drive the rest of your way through.


Hours pass. You've made it to your destination and you drive up the road to the town your aunt, uncle and cousins live in. You drive around and you say, "I'm hungry." You spot a diner and you say, "Oh good. I love classic diners." You drive to it and you park right outside.

You get out of your car and you head inside of the diner. You go to a booth and you sit at it. You sit there and you wait. You suddenly see the waitress come up. She looked to be a teenage girl. She smiles and says, "Hello. Welcome to Vinny's Diner. Can I get you anything to drink?" You say, "Yeah. I'll have a sweet tea." She smiles and says, "Alright. Coming right up." She walks off.

You pick up the menu and you look at it. The same waitress comes back with your sweet tea and hands it to you. You say, "Thank you." She says, "You're welcome, ma'am. What would you like to order today?"

You look at the menu and you say, "I'll take this. The double deluxe burger and fries." She smiles and writes it down saying, "Alright. We'll have that ready for you in just a moment, ma'am." You say, "Thanks, hon." She walks off. You get your phone out and you look at it.

Moments later, your food gets to you and you thank the waitress. She walks off and you sit there eating your food. You decide to call your aunt and you call her. You wait. You get this, "Hello? (Y/N)?" "Yeah, aunt Genki. It's me. I'm at the diner in your town right now. I'll be on my way to your guys' house after I'm done here." "Good. Glad you've made it." "Thanks." "We have the spare room ready for you when you get here." "Thanks so much, aunt Genki. I'll see you guys later." "We'll see you when you get here." As you talk to her, she gives you directions to her house and you write it down. You stick it in your purse.

After talking, you hang up and you continue eating your food. You get your check a few moments later and it says that you'll need to pay $6.00 before you leave. You finish your food and you get up. You leave a tip on the booth. You go up to the counter and you pay for your food. You head out.

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