Ch. 5: Meeting Father

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The next day, you're in your room. You're getting dressed. You hear a knock on the door and you say, "Who is it?!" You hear this, "(Y/N)! Mommy wants you to come downstairs because she says we've got pizza and Kuki's friends are over too!" It was Mushi. You say, "Okay! I'll be right out, honey!" She says, "Okey dokey!"

You get a short sleeve yellow shirt on and a pair of black yoga pants on as well. You brush your hair a bit and you walk to the door. You walk out and you see Mushi standing there with her hands behind her back and smiling up at you.

You say, "Alright. Let's go downstairs, shall we?" She lifts her arms up at you and says, "Carry me, (Y/N)." You say, "You're a big girl. You can walk yourself downstairs." She makes a pouty face. You sigh and you say, "Oh, okay. Come here." You pick her up and she smiles and hugs you. You kiss her on the forehead and you walk downstairs.

Mushi asks, "(Y/N). Do you have any kids?" You say, "No. I don't." She says, "Will you ever?" You say, "Um... I'm not really sure, hon. I'll have to wait and see what comes for me." She says, "Okay." You get downstairs.

You get into the kitchen to see Genki, Kani, Kuki, Hoagie Gilligan, Nigel Uno, Abigail Lincoln and Wallaby Beetles. Genki looks over to see you and Mushi and she says, "Good. You're down here. Come eat some pizza you two."

Hoagie says, "I've got dibs on the first sausage slice." Abigail says, "Hoagie. You'll eat anything." He says, "Oh. Heh heh. That's right." You set Mushi down and she runs to the table. You walk over and you sit and eat.

Wallaby looks over and his eyes widen. He whispers, "Wow. Why didn't I notice that? Kuki's cousin is just as cute as she is." Abigail hears this and smirks. Hoagie looks over with a raised brow. Abby tells him and they smirk. They look at him and they both say, "Wally loves Kuki. Wally loves Kuki."

Wallaby says, "Ey! Shut it! It ain't like that." You look over at Wallaby and you raise a brow, but you have a hint of a smirk. You look over at Kuki. Kani says, "Please, can we just all settle down?! I'm trying to eat here."

You quietly giggle. Nigel smirks and mumbles, "Guys. I think Numbuh 3's cousin is fully aware now." He, Hoagie and Abby laugh. Wallaby groans and his face turns red. Kuki blushes too. You all eat pizza the rest of the time.


Later on, you're at the grocery store. You told Genki and Kani that you would do some grocery shopping for them. Especially as a gratitude for them letting you stay with them. You're getting a few things. Genki did tell you that they needed more bread, milk and strawberry yogurt. Mushi loved those.

You're getting a few things and you're in the soup aisle. (What do you mean you're at soup?!) You grab a can and you put it in the basket. You're about to grab another but then you hear this, "Hello there." It sounded like multiple voices. You look over to see five children standing next to each other, wearing fancy outfits.

One of them was a tall boy with brown hair covering his face. Another is a blonde girl with a bow in her hair. Another is a boy with a helmet on his head. Another is a chubby girl with glasses and pigtails. The last is a short blonde boy with hair similar to Wallaby's.

You say, "Who are you kids? Where are your parents?" They say, "Our father is at home. He sent us here to look for something." You say, "Okay, well... what are you looking for exactly? I can lead you to it."

They smirk and they say, "We're at it right now." You say, "Who are you guys?" They say, "We're the Delightful Children From Down the Lane." You gasp and you say, "I've heard of you five!" They say, "I guess the Kids Next Door told you about us. Are we correct?"

You say, "Y-yeah. They did." They smile and they say, "Don't listen to THEM. We're simply... delightful. Our FATHER sent us for one thing and one thing only." You say, "And that is?" They grin and the blonde boy gets a sort of remote control out. They say, "You."

He presses the button and you feel all hazy. You say, "O-oh shit. I... I..." You start to faint and you fall. They catch you and they grin. The blonde girl gets her phone out and she presses the button. She waits and she gets this, "Did you children listen and get her for me?"

They say, "Yes, father. We've got the woman you wanted. Just like the one in the picture on your phone." "Excellent. Bring her to the Delightful Mansion. Bring her to ME. I must have her here.~" "Yes father." They hang up and they take off, bringing you with them.


Moments later, you start to wake up. You sit up and you groan a bit. You say, "W-what happened? Did I... pass out?" You open your eyes and you gasp as you look around. You're on a pathway and there's spikes around. You say, "Where the hell am I? Dante's inferno?"

You hear a deep voice saying this, "So, you're here.~" You gasp and you look ahead to see a chair turned the other way. You say, "Who's there?" You hear this, "I've waited for you to get here.~" The chair turns and a silhouette like man is seen. He has yellow eyes and a pipe in his mouth. You stand up and you face him.

You say, "Who are you?" He says, "I... am Father." You say, "I've heard of you." He says, "I guess you've heard of me from those lousy Kids Next Door... am I right?" You say, "Y-yes. That's true. One of them is my cousin."

He says, "I see... No matter. I want to know more about YOU. What's your name?~" You say, "(Y/N). (Y/N) (L/N)." He says, "(Y/N).~" He takes the pipe out of his mouth and he blows smoke. He beckons you to come over and he says, "Come closer. Let me get a better look at you.~"

You blush and you say, "Okay." You walk over and you're standing in front of him, now. You realize it... He's handsome. He looks up at you and he says, "Never did I see a woman quite like you." You say, "What are you getting to... Father?"

He says, "I saw you at the bar, last night. I had to meet you in person. Know who you were. And now I've got you here." He grabs your hand and he leans over saying, "It's a pleasure meeting you, (Y/N).~" He kisses your hand and you blush.

He sits up straight and you say, "But, why me?" He stands up and he says, "You're quite a gem. I knew I had to have you here at my place for me to meet you." You say, "A... a gem? But I'm broke as shit. I..." He puts his finger to your lips and he says, "That's enough. Rich or poor, (Y/N)... you're the most beautiful damn thing I've ever seen.~" You blush and you look up at him.

He says, "Those damn Kids Next Door are a nuisance to me. Have been since day one. I'll find a way to put a stop to them. And it'll be us adults ruling the world!" He laughs and fire develops around him. You gasp.

He calms down and the fire stops. You say, "Something tells me you've been through some hard shit. Like someone pushed you to the limit." He sighs and says, "Only the family disappointment. My parents loved me less. I'll say that." You say, "Wow. That makes two of us."

He looks at you and says, "I feel as though you and I have quite a few things in common here, my dear." You say, "But, I'm not evil. I'm just saying." He manages a smirk and says, "Not yet, you are." You say, "Not yet?" He looks at you and says, "I can see right through you, (Y/N). My Delightful Children see something in you that they like, too."

He cups your chin and he says, "I'll let you go for now... But I want you back here tomorrow night. No later than 8pm. Got it?" You blush. He says, "Well?" You say, "Okay." He gives you that look and you blush. You suddenly feel that spark. He says, "I'll see you here really soon, (Y/N).~" You smile and you say, "Okay... Father.~" He lets you go and you head back home.


You're back at your aunt and uncle's place. You're up in your room. You're sitting on your bed, thinking back at the moment you saw Father. You say, "Never did I see a man like him. He seems to have quite a dark side to him, too. Oh well. He can't be any worse than Ronnie. Besides... Father looks better than he did, anyways.~"

You sit back on your bed and you get your laptop out. You look at that, looking at facebook. You suddenly hear your phone going off and you say, "Who's texting me this late?" You pick up your phone to see a mysterious message saying, "Remember... tomorrow before 8pm. My mansion."

Pyromancer and Love Interest (Father (K.N.D.) x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora