Ch. 42: Jasper's Nightmare

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Later on in the evening, you and Benedict are up in your room. Judith's friends are all home now and she's in her room. Jasper's in his room as well possibly playing his XBox. The Delightful Teens are downstairs in their room, possibly messaging Rachel on facebook. On Bruce's page.

You and Benedict are kissing each other right now. You pull apart and he says, "Oh fuck. I love you so much.~" You smile and you say, "I love you too, sweetie.~" You both lean back in to kiss. He smirks and he pulls away.

You say, "What?" He grins and he suddenly pins you down. He chuckles. You blush. He leans down to kiss and lick your neck. He says, "You're so beautiful~" He sucks on your neck and you gasp and giggle. You say, "Mm, Ben.~" You wrap your arms around him.

You hear a knock and Benedict gets up from you. You both face the door and you say, "Yeah?!" You hear Jasper saying, "Mama! Daddy! I... I need help with the stairs again! I'm sorry!" You say, "Don't be sorry, pumpkin! We'll help you!" You and Benedict get up and you walk to the door.

You open it and you look down to see Jasper standing there. He says, "Sorry." You smile and you say, "Baby boy... I said don't be. It takes some time getting used to." Benedict says, "Let's do this again. This time, your mom will be all the way down at the bottom of the stairs. We'll watch you."

You say, "If he falls, I'm running up there to get him." Benedict says, "I'm running down to get him." You and Benedict look at each other and you smile. You look at Jasper and you say, "Come on, baby." You all get to the stairs.

You walk all the way downstairs and you sit at the bottom, looking up at your son. He gulps. Benedict says, "It's alright son. Just look at the stairs as you go down. Simple as that." Jasper says, "Okay, daddy." Benedict says, "It'll be okay. Your mom's right down the stairs. We'll get you if you fall." Jasper says, "Okay."

You yell up, "You can do this, baby! You did good earlier!" Jasper walks down the stairs, looking at the stairs as he steps down. He bites down on his bottom lip and he says, "Umm... Uhh... Okay. Got that." You say, "You can do it, honey." He looks down at you. You say, "Just look at the stairs." He says, "Okay, mama."

He gets downstairs successfully and he gets to you. You pull him in for a hug and you say, "Good job, baby." You kiss him on the cheek. He smiles. Benedict walks down and gets to you guys. You say, "Hey. You didn't trip this time." You and Jasper laugh. Benedict says, "Hey. My shoe snagged on something, earlier."

You say, "Good thing we're down here. Dinner will be ready soon. Call Judith down here." Benedict yells up, "Judith!" You look up to see a door opening and you see Judith walking to the railings, looking down and saying, "Yeah?!" You look up and you say, "Come on down, baby! Dinner will be ready soon!" She says, "Okay, mama!" She walks around and gets to the stairs. She runs down them.

You do a 'tss' sound and you say, "I'm afraid for HER going down the stairs sometimes." Judith gets to you guys and Benedict picks her up saying, "Don't run down the stairs like that, princess. You could get hurt." She says, "Yes, daddy." He kisses her on the cheek.

He looks at her and says, "Hey. You know I just realized something, (Y/N)." You stand up with Jasper in your arms saying, "What's that?" He says, "Look at Judith." You look at her and you say, "What about her? All I see is a pretty face." You smile. Judith smiles at you.

He says, "Not just that... but she looks a lot like my mom did as a kid." You look at her and you say, "Hey, you know something? You're right." Judith says, "I look like grandma? Daddy's mom?" Benedict says, "Yeah. When she was a kid. We've got a picture. Your brother looks a lot like I did when I was a kid."

You say, "Right? Monty sees him once in a while and goes on about how Jasper looks ridiculously like you as a kid." Jasper says, "Mama. I never asked." You say, "What, baby?" He says, "Who's the lady in the picture in yours and daddy's room?"

You say, "Which one, honey? There's two of them." He says, "The one with the long black hair." You say, "Oh her? That was my mom... Megumi. Your aunt Genki's sister." He says, "Where is she?"

You sigh and you say, "She died when Judith was only two months old. You weren't even born yet, Jasper." Judith says, "How did she die, mama?" You sigh and you say, "A car hit her at a gas station. She died in my arms." The kids gasp. You say, "Yeah. Let's not get onto this subject before dinner." Benedict says, "What your mom said." They say, "Okay."

You yell, "Children!" You see the Delightful Teens walking out and they say, "Yes, mother?" Benedict says, "We're getting ready to eat dinner. Come on." They say, "Yes, father." You all get into the dining room to eat dinner the rest of the time.


Later on at night, you and Benedict are sleeping on your bed. The Delightful Teens are sleeping in their rooms. Judith and Jasper are in their rooms. Jasper is laying there in his bed, tossing and turning a bit. He's got his glasses laying on the nightstand.

He clinches his blanket and he whimpers a bit. He starts having a nightmare. He dreams he's in a room. A locked one. And suddenly, he hears a loud knock and the voice of a woman yelling in, "You stay the hell in there, you little shit!! Stay in there!" The knocking continues. Jasper whimpers.

The door suddenly opens and there's a woman with long black hair like yours, but she's older. She kind of resembles your mother, Megumi. But she's green and in a monstrous form. She roars and she approaches Jasper. Jasper backs away. She says, "I'm gonna get you, Jasper! I'll get you!!" She leans down, bearing razor sharp teeth. Almost like metal razor blades.

Jasper gets up and he yelps. He screams a bit and gets up from his bed, grabbing his glasses. He gets them on and he runs out of the room yelling, "Mama! Daddy!" He runs down the hallway to yours and Benedict's room.

Right inside, you hear knocking on the door. You get up and you turn the lamp on. Benedict says, "What the hell is going on?" You hear this, "Mama! Daddy!" You gasp and you get up from bed. Benedict gets up and says, "Jasper?!"

You go to the door and you open it. There stands Jasper, sniffling. Tears going down his face. You duck down and you say, "Baby. What's wrong?" He says, "I... I had a nightmare, mama." You say, "Awe. Come here. Come to mommy.~"

You get up, picking him up. He clings to you and he sobs. Benedict gets up and walks over. He says, "What was it, son?" Jasper says, "There... there was a lady! A monster! She was green... h-had long black hair.... and looked like HER!" He points over at the picture of your mom and you look over.

You gasp and you say, "Oh no." You hold your son, close. Benedict looks at you and you look at him saying, "He had a nightmare about my childhood." Jasper says, "What are you talking about, mama?" He sniffles. You say, "Your grandma Megumi wasn't the greatest mom towards me. She'd lock me in a room all the time. Smack me around." He clings to you and sobs.

You say, "Awe, pumpkin. It's alright. Mommy and daddy are right here." You kiss him on the cheek. You say, "Ben... I think he's picking up on my childhood PTSD." He says, "Oh god. I hope not."

You look at Jasper and you say, "You wanna sleep with mommy and daddy tonight, baby?~" He sniffles and nods. You say, "Okay. You can sleep with us." Benedict says, "Bring him over." He sighs and says, "Poor kid."

You get to your bed, bringing Jasper with you. You get him on the bed and he crawls to the pillows. You and Benedict lay down and you cover up. You get Jasper's glasses off and Benedict takes them, setting them on the nightstand next to his own glasses.

Jasper lays down between you and Benedict. Benedict kisses Jasper on the top of the head. You kiss him on the cheek and you say, "Better, baby?" Jasper nods. Benedict says, "Goodnight, son." He turns the lamp off and you all lay down and sleep the rest of the night. You're holding Jasper close.

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