“it will take some time for the food to get prepared. What do you guys wanna do till then?” Eleanor asked the guys

“lets play truth and dare” Louis replied

We all agreed. I got an empty champagne bottle from kitchen. We all sat on floor and I spinned the bottle.

*Liam’s point of view*

We all are in pari’s house. I mean it’s a 3 storey bunglow. We only saw her and a butler Richard. The girls went to change. We all were sittin in the lounge when Richard came in with 5 cans of diet coke. He handed every one a can. As he was about to leave,

“ummmm Richard!”

“yeah mr. payne?”

“only pari lives here? I mean in this whole bunglow?”

“ no sir. Its pari and her mom. Her mom is out on business trip for 3 days!”

“what about her dad? And she don have any sibling?”

“ no sir. Her dad died when she was two. No siblings”

Richard was giving very straight answers.

“and these girls?”

“these girls are pari’s best friends since they were in school.”

Answering my questions Richard left.

 The girls came down and we decided to play truth and dare. Sophia was sitting next to me! She was sooo beautiful. I had noticed her  when were singing Diana. She was looking so beautiful in d blue dress. It was a coincidence dat  even I had a blue coat so we looked like a couple on stage. I was deep in my thoughts when every one screamed my name. I came out of my thoughts and saw thw bottle pointing towards me.

“truth or dare?” Sophia asked me. Her voice was like music to my ears.

“dare” I replied

“kiss the girl you like the most ” zany said with an evil smirk on his face. I blushed and gave a peck to Sophia on her cheek. She was socked, blushed. Everyone shouted screaming. I looked at the bottle,blushing I scratched back of my hair.

“That was not a kiss” harry complained.

“you did not tell me how long the kiss should last and where so.. suck it up”

“awwwww… Sophia and liam are blushing” perrie said

I saw pari as she was sitting opposite of me. She was continuosly staring at harry. She is not even blinking her eyes.

 Ohkay my turn to spin the bottle. The bottle pointed towards hazza.

“Truth or dare hazza?”

“Truth” harry relpied

“what are your feelings about pari as she is contiuously staring at you without blinking her eyes!”

*PARI’s point of view*

My head snapped at the direction of liam whe he told that I was staring at harry.

“what” harry replied to his question. It was clear from his face that he was shocked. Before he could reply to liams question, Richard came to inform us that food is being served. I clapped my hands twice.

“yaaay!! lets have food” niall screams

We all headed towards the dining room. We all sat in couples and were having maggi, sandwich and juices along with our food!

 It was 12:00 a.m.

Every one were talking to their partners except me and harry. There was an awkward silence between us!

*zayn’s point of view*

“ummm… perrie”

“yes zany???”

“what is this? I cannot eat it”

“it is maggi…. It is very yuummm… easy to cook. And u should have it with fork not spoon”

“oh thanku.”

Taking a bite of maggi which was actually tasty, I was checking out perrie.

“liking the view Mr. malik?”

“h-How did u come to know dat m checking you out?”

“probably because I was doing the same thing when were plaing truth and dare.”

I started blushing..!

We continued to eat our food.

*stacy’s point of view*

“U actually love to eat food rite?”

“yeah! And nandos is my favourite place… what about you?”

“even I love eating food. And mc donalds is my favourite place. ”

“lets have a competition stacy. Who can complete their food fast!”

“ohkay! 1… 2… 3… start”

“yaay I won… niall loose I won niall loose”

Every one was staring at me

“what happened stacy? What did u win?” pari asked me

“ me and niall had a competition of who would complete their food 1st and I won”

“niall u did not win from a girl?” Louis questioned

“yeah Louis..”  niall said while looking at the ground.

 suddenly Richard came in informing that its almost 1:00 am and we all should probably sleep.

*yaaaaaayyyyy * 2 chapters done... i hope you are enjoying... i will try and update as soon as possible cuz i have college to attend... too many assignments and homework... the pairs are already made...






i want you guys to give me ship names of them...

bye... take care readers

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