Chapter 52

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****** I've never been to a bachelorette, so this is what I think might happen at one. I might be super wrong. ***** 

  After an epic scavenger hunt which lead to Melanie kissing five strippers, Julia cutting a lock of her hair, a few girls getting lost and me getting kicked out of three bars because I'm underaged, Julia proposes we all head downtown and eat at Whole Food Market because we're already over budget, and the place is cheap. Also, it's her favourite place to eat. It's about seven a.m. (the next morning), and I'm surprised that no one has passed out or puked more than twice.

"Remember!'' says Julia in front of the Whole Food Market to a pack of hungry and horny girls. ''We're on a budget!'' On that note, she hands out a twenty-dollar bill to each girl and shouts, '' Feast, my ladies!'' and everyone rushes in.

It's like an angry mob of girls just barged in the market to invade it. We're all over the place, all heading to the ''put your food in a box'' tables. I'm laughing and shouting with everyone. There's something special about being surrounded by girls who want to have a good time that just boosts up the energy. The Whole Food Market just opened, and we're the only one here. Thank God. I grab a box and fill it with salmon and Chinese food and pizza and salad and some kind of meat that must contain, like, 500 calories, but who cares?

I'm having a good time. Yet, I can't help but think that if Sabrina was here, I'd be having a great time.

I take out my phone.

Ella-Mae: Hey Sabro! Again, I'm sorry for what happened... Can we talk?

No reply. I sigh and put back my phone in my pocket.

''Ella!'' Julia calls me from an aisle. '' Come here! It's like an ice cream paradise!''

I follow her voice until I arrive in the ice cream aisle. Julia has opened a jar of Ben and Jerry's Cookie n' Cream ice cream and is eating it with her fingers.

''So cold.'' She shivers.

I purse my lips to stop myself from laughing and take the jar out her hands.

''You're drunk,'' I state.

Julia shakes her head, like a baby, and crosses her arms, ''Noooooo!!! You're drunk.'' She stretches her arms in front of her. ''Gimme my ice cream.''

''We're going to pay it first, kay?''

She exhales. ''Why are you so responsible?''

''Someone has to be.''

I take her hand, and we walk down the aisle and meet the other girls paying for their food at the only cash register opened.

When everyone is outside, we all sit on the stairs leading to an imposing building lit by a thousand LED lights. The sun has fully risen, but there aren't many people walking the streets of Miami even at this hour.

''We should call Mom,'' I say to Julia who's back to eating her ice cream.

''Why?'' she asks.

''Just to tell them not to worry.''

''You're so considerate,'' says one of Melanie's friends in a low, slow voice.

Her mascara is smudged, and her sparkly grey dress is torn apart. She was the one who threw up on a cat I think. I have yet to know her name. I know most of Julia's friends, but I don't know Melanie's. She was away so often that, when we did have the chance to Skype, we didn't spend much time talking about her friends.

''Should I call them?'' I ask again.

''Sure,'' Julia says.

I take my phone only to notice that Sabrina and Fannar texted me.

Sabrina: One day. Give me time.

It's more than what I hoped for.

Ella-Mae: Sure! Take your time. Again, I'm sorry.

I wait a few seconds. Sabrina doesn't reply.

Fannar: Hey! You're probably sleeping but I just wanted to make sure everything's okay with Sabrina and you.

Fannar: Also, how's the bachelorette?

I beam so much my eyes shut and I nearly push Julia from the stairs when she says, ''Oooohhhh!! Your boyfriend texted you!''

Ella-Mae: It's not perfect, but she says I should give her time. Which means she's talking to me. So, it's an improvement.

Fannar: Hahaha! I like the way you think:)

Ella-Mae: Thanks! You know what I else think?

Fannar: Don't say that you shouldn't take Northern Lights for granted.

Ella-Mae: You shouldn't take Northern Lights for granted.

Fannar: Hahahahaha!

I laugh out loud.

Julia tugs on my dress and I wave her off. She tugs even harder. I wave her off and then slaps her on the cheeks by accident. I gasp and let go of my phone.

''UUUGGHHHH!!!'' Julia shouts, covering her cheek with her hand.

''Oh my God! Juju, I'm so sorry.''

But Julia starts laughing, laughing so hard she falls on the floor and doubles in laughter.

Ella-Mae: I'll text you back :)

Fannar: kk

Julia is still laughing, rolling on her back, and I burst into laughter as well. One of Melanie's friends clears her throat and, only by looking at her serious, worried look do I stop laughing.

''What's wrong?'' I ask.

''It's Melanie,'' the friend says. She hesitates. "She's missing.''


What do you think will happen next? Found out later this week. I have three days off so I might post more often.

Also, tell me what you think about the pacing of the book. Are there too many Fannar/Ella-Mae scenes? Not enough? Are there too many Ella-Mae / Family scenes? Are things going too fast? Too slow? I'd love to know...

The next chapter I'll be posting will be the breakup scene through Fannar's POV. It's not a mandatory read, but I hope you'll like it!

If you have any comments, suggestions or critic, please let me know and don't forget to vote.

I hope you have a lovely day,

Émilie xoxo

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