Chapter 15

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  Sabrina is wearing her movie directing beret which can only mean one of two things. 1. She just got an internship. 2. We're about to have a serious conversation on the short movie we're making for Mélanie. And, considering the fact that Sabrina isn't jumping up and down and freaking out, I'm going with option 2.

"You have to listen carefully to what I'm about to say," she warns Julia and me, walking from my beach chair to my sister's, not even bothering to throw back the frisbee that nearly chops her head of to the children asking her for it back. "I won't repeat myself."

Julia takes a sip of her homemade lemonade. "You know what I would love? These little parasols they put in drinks. They are so cute."

Sabrina waves at Julia to grab her attention. "You know what's not cute? Me shooting off your head if you cut me one more time."

"Jeez, woman. It's summer. Loosen up."

"I will 'loosen up' when we finish this. Please take my passion seriously."

Sabrina never begs. Julia knows it, too, because she straightens up and apologizes.

"Good," Sabrina starts. "Now, here are your scripts."

"Ummm," Julia says, looking at the kids crying, "maybe you should give them back the frisbee."

"What? Oh right." Sabrina gives them the frisbee back but not before warning them, "I swear to God, if you ever throw in this direction while I'm filming I will not be happy."

The kids nod and leave us alone, sprinting like their lives depend on it which, knowing Sabrina, is the case.

Finally, Sabrina hands us these beautiful plastic-covered portfolios with our scripts. On mine, my lines are highlighted in yellow, while, on Julia's her lines are highlighted in pink.

"When did you have the time to do all this?" I ask as I flip through the pages.

"I'm a wizard who can stop time." She says it in a very serious tone. So serious, I believe her for a second. She clears her throat and opens her portfolio. "Please open to page two."

Julia and I open our portfolio to page two on which we can read in capital letters SABRINA IS IN CHARGE AND YOU WILL DO AS SHE SAYS. NOW TURN TO PAGE FOUR. We turn to page four. MOUHAHAHA! I MADE YOU LOOK. TURN TO PAGE 3. SERIOUSLY, NOT A TRICK. We turn back to page three. CHARACTERS AND PLOTLINE.

"I made a little summary of every character and their role in the story. Since I don't know everything that happened between their meet-cute and now, I left some pages blank through the portfolio for you guys to fill out."

Julia leans over towards me. "She's really taking this seriously."

"Yes, yes I am," Sabrina answers. "Now, let's get down to business."

"To defeat the Huns!" I sing.

"HA!" Julia joins in.

Sabrina rolls her eyes and shakes her head, but I can see her fighting back a smile. "Please tell me you won't do this every time I say something that reminds you remotely of Disney."

"Can't guarantee it," Julia says.

Sabrina ignores her and explains proposes that we read through the script and make sure it's perfect.

"If you have any questions, please wait until the end of the scene, okay?"


"Any last-minute questions before we start?"

I Do Until I Don'tTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon