Goodbye, Again.

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'I hate goodbyes' is probably the biggest understatement in history. Saying goodbye to a friend after school when you're going to see them the next day is one thing, but saying goodbye to someone you love when you won't see them for who-knows-how-long is something completely different.

I got a sense of deja vu as I let the situation in front of me sink in. Here I was, standing in the middle of the airport in Harry's embrace for the last time before I flew back to Florida. My eyes burned with tears, but I wouldn't let myself cry. At least, not yet. That was for the plane ride home.

My arms were draped around his neck while his arms wrapped tightly around my waste, pulling me in to him. We were breathing in in harmony as I let myself feel the inhale and release of his chest. I breathed in his strong, minty scent and tried to imprint it in my brain.

My head was pounding painfully and the almost-tears prickled my eyes.

I couldn't decide which 'goodbye' is more painful- this one, or the one I had to say to him months ago.

This one could be a bit less painful, considering that I knew he wouldn't forget about me when we were apart. I knew he was mine now. But, actually, that might make it more painful. I knew him well, I loved him deeply, and I had to say goodbye to him before we parted for an unknown amount of time.


Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye.

I hate that word.

The rest of the boys came to send me off, too, along with Eleanor and Andy. Harry was still hugging me tightly but the rest of the boys kept patting my back and rubbing circles in to it. Eleanor was waiting on the side for her own hug. I didn't know how long I'd been standing there with my head rested on his chest, but I knew it must have been a long time, and I knew people must've been taking pictures. But I didn't care. I didn't want to let go.

I finally took a step back from him and heaved out a breath, "Well, I guess this is it." I forced the words out of my mouth. I hated those words, too.

He pulled me back into him and he lifted my chin up with his hand so that I was staring into those beautiful green orbs. "If there ever comes a day when we can't be together, keep me in your heart; I'll stay there forever."

Despite my efforts not to cry, a warm tear slid down my left cheek. I wiped it off with the back of my hand and stifled a laugh, "Quoting Winnie The Pooh?"

He gave a small smile, too, "He's a wise bear," He said softly.

I went in for a last hug before I pulled away and the rest of the boys pulled me in one-by-one to say goodbye.

"Bye, Charlotte," Niall said as he squeezed the breath out of me, "I'll miss my best friend!" He rocked me back and fourth and I tried to breath while he squished my lungs.

"I'll miss you too," I said with the last bit of air I had. He let me go and we both laughed.

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