Unexpected Moments

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Hey everyone! It's really strange doing Authors notes since I don't have any fans yet... But oh well! ;) Please keep reading my story, sorry if it's a little bit slow as of right now! I promise it gets better!

Lots of love! Xxx

I heard bits and pieces of screams from the girls around me, and I began to subconsciously scream, too.

I didn't know where the boys were, and I had no idea where to look. I was frantically trying to search through the crowd and find them, and I'm sure I looked like an idiot. Everytime I heard a new voice that I could make out, I spastically spun around in hopes that the boys were near...all with no luck.

The screaming continued for about 10 minutes straight, and I still hadn't seen the boys. I began to loose hope and figure they'd gone inside already. Surely they wouldn't be outside for that long, would they? I got a little bit frusterated with myself for being so gullible. The boys may not have even come outside in the first place. I straightened my shirt and decided to just ignore the screaming that probably meant nothing.

The odds were in my favor or something. Literally, only a few moments after I stopped screaming and turned to look ahead of me, I saw Niall from the corner of my eye. Niall. Niall Horan... I saw NIALL!! He was less than 20 feet away from me! I turned to face towards him, as he had a camera in his hand. He was wearing one of his white tank tops, but without a hat. He was laughing his normal, beautiful, contageous laugh. Let me just say, its 100 times more dazzling in person.

I lost my ability to breathe for a while, and I didn't even scream. Security started to form around my area to hold back the adoring fans. Then I saw Harry. Harry freakin' Styles!! They were taking pictures of the crowd, for some unknown reason, and the girls were going crazy, including me. Girls arounf me were trying to jump security, even knock them down to get to the boys. The screaming was ear shattering....How were all celebrites not deaf?!

I was jumping up and down, but I couldn't find it in me to say anything, or even scream. I don't understand how the girls around me could find the air to scream, while I could barely breathe. I guess everyone fangirls differently.

If only Jessica was here to see this! Oh my gosh breathe, Charlotte, breathe. Oh my gosh this is insane oh my gosh I'm going to die oh my...

I was coaching myself inside me head like I often did, but I my thoughts became jumbled together.

A security guard made their way to the boys to say something in their ear, although I obviously couldn't hear what it was. Niall nodded, and the boys began to walk toward the entrance of the arena, which I was rather close to.

Girls around me were absolutely hysterical. Some were crying, screaming, kicking and hollering...Really though, how could they have the breathe? I began to feel light headed, and my breaths were becoming shallow. I was being absolutely ridiculous! I never thought I'd go this crazy over a band...but I guess life surprises you that way.

I began to cup my face in my hands to keep from passing out, when I was pushed from behind. It scared the mess out of me, and it knocked out the only breath that Idid have left in my poor lungs. My head jerked up as I tried to regain my balance... and I almost fell over yet again.

5 feet and a security guard away from me was Harry Styles. He smiled at me. He locked eyes with me, and smiled at me. His smile was breif, but it was peaceful. It was the kind of smile that could make you feel like no matter what was happening around you, it didn't matter. The only thing that even existed was you, and the owner of the breath taking smile. It sort of made me calm, like I could take full breaths again that filled my soul with warmth. Corny, I know, but true. I felt as if I was in Heaven for a few brief seconds. I didn't expect it to feel like this. If I ever imagined one of the boys smiling, looking, waving at me, I expected to fall all over them in mindless giggles. But instead, I felt peaceful. Even after he went inside, I was left in my trance.

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