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It was a cold, rainy morning. The kind of morning that made you feel intimidated for no apparent reason. The low grumbling of thunder made my stomach churn, and the faint sound of raindrops on the roof made me shudder; I've always hated rain.

I sigh as I look up from my Algebra homework and out the window of my bedroom, watching the water droplets race down to the window ceil.

It was October now. The leaves were falling and the weather was cool; Halloween decorations were lined up the aisles at Walmart, and football season was in full swing. For me, life was actually pretty normal. Well, as normal as it could be when you're talking-talking to Harry Styles. Which, actually, isn't normal at all.

I was still the hot subject in the Directioner world, and I was-pretty much- the most popular gal in school. Except I didn't act like it. I wouldn't buy in to the "I suddenly want to be your friend" act that everyone was giving me because I knew they just wanted to get to the boys. However, that didn't stop people from trying to be my best friend.

Harry and I were still going strong: We continued our Skype dates and phone calls, and about a week after school started he began to send me things in the mail. I don't know how he got my address, probably from Jessica, and I was completely surprised when I found a necklace in the mail from "Your love". Turning the necklace over, I found the words "You Don't Know How Lovely You Are" engraved on the back. I felt butterflies as I read the words over and over again. It was from our favorite Coldplay song, "The Scientist", and I knew that Harry picked those words out for a reason. He knew about my confidence level, and tried to convince me how wonderful I was every day.

I called Harry the second after I opened the package, and he confirmed that it was from him. After that, I wore it everyday.

He still hadn't told me that he loved me, but he would subtly drop hints. Like the necklace, and the tweet that ended with "love you". I hadn't told him either, even though I was becoming more and more positive every day that I was falling hopelessly in love with him.

I gave up on my homework and set it on the floor beside my bed. Laying back, I inhaled the cold air blowing on my face from the fan.

Everything felt like it was moving so fast. With all of the homework, extra curricular activities (I was now taking up cross country), and the drama that came with being with Harry, it was all a bit much to handle.  

I didn't mind it though. Not one bit.

I wouldn't trade a single day of my new life for a hundred years the other way.

The only light shining in my room was the light coming in through the window, but since it was raining, my room was too dark for comfort. Maybe that's why I couldn't wrap my head around my homework. Or maybe it's because I had too much on my mind. Either way, I couldn't focus on much of anything.

The dim light on my phone illuminates in the darkness of my room; my text tone tears through the silence.

From: My Favorite Member of One Direction

I wish I could run away to a place where no one knew my name.

I couldn't help but feel sorry for Harry and his superstar life. It must be nice occasionally, but it would make me crazy. With all the people liking you just because of your fame, and the lack of privacy, I would have to crawl into a ball and die.

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