Two Years Later

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~Two years later~

High-pitched screams erupted all around me- the kind of squeals that could shatter someone's eardrums. I stood along side five of my best friends: Eleanor, Andy, Danielle, Perrie, and Jessica. Flashing lights lit up the arena; I smiled widely with pride at my favorite singer in the world, as his face was a mixture of passion and pleasure while he held his microphone closely to his lips.

"Truly, madly, deeply,

I am foolishly completely fallen

And somehow you kicked all my walls in,

So baby say you'll always keep me

Truly, madly, crazy, deeply in love

With you..."

As my favorite song played on, my eyes were locked on the curly headed boy that I had fallen for years and years ago. His eyes would constantly flutter back to mine, and a smile spread across his lips from his home on the stage.

Words couldn't express everything I felt for him. He was my fighter, my will to live. He was everything to me. He always was.

The song ended, and the screams increased in both number and sound all around us. The lights suddenly cut off, leaving the arena pitch black. Screams all around. In just a moment, thousands and thousands of cell phones illuminated in the night, lighting up the darkness. I saw that the boys were no longer on stage.

"What's happening?" leaned over to my left where Perrie stood, having to shout in her ear so she could hear me over the hysteria. "This isn't part of the show?"

She simply shrugged, biting her pink bottom lip, "I don't know..."

I turned to Jessica, who had come to visit her boyfriend of ten months, Josh. She looked at me with wide eyes and an undeniable smirk.


Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to face the person who wanted my attention, and I was almost surprised to see Amanda's familiar face- a face that I'd seen a lot while I was visiting the boys on tour. However, she usually worked backstage during the shows-

"I need you to come with me," She yelled to me, clearly trying to stifle a smile.

Everything happened so fast. I hardly had time to process her words before she was grabbing my wrist and anxiously leading me through a massive throng of people. It felt familiar- being led backstage at a One Direction concert. Déjà vu ran through me as she led me to a past a gate, through a door that led backstage.

"Why do you need me? What's going on? -" I began to fire questions at her as soon as we arrived backstage, but she silenced me with a knowing grin.

"I need you to stop asking questions, OK, Charlotte?" She laughed a bit before re-grabbing my wrist and leading me to a small area where a black door stood alone. I knew what the door was for.

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