The Start of a Change

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Beep! beep! beeeeeeep!

My alarm clock went off like a siren as the sun shone blindingly through my open blinds. It was so bright that it woke me up, interrupting my dream. Which I didn't mind, because my dream was more like a nightmare. I dreamed that Jessica and I went to the concert, and at first it was great. After the show was over, Jessica and I exited through a back door because it was less crowded. By a stroke of luck, I bumped in to someone, knocking me to the ground. I sat on the ground disoriented for a few seconds, until I realized that the boy I bumped into was Zayn! I totally freaked out. I started shaking, and I even began to stutter. 

"Y...y-your Zayn!" But, he just stared at me like I was an idiot. As a matter of fact, the whole band was staring at me for a while... Until Harry broke the silence. He rolled his eyes and turned to Lou.

"Just another ugly, annoying fan." he mumbled in disgust.

Louis nodded and replied, "Not worth our time. Let's go lads."

With that, they all left without another word.

Crazy dream right? There was no way the boys could treat their fans like that...was there? I hoped not.

"Charlotte?" my mom spoke through my door, interrupting my thoughts.

"Yes...?" I answered, rubbing my eyes to wake myself up.

She open the door and came in. "Morning darling. How'd you sleep?" she asked with an obviously fake smile. She often tried to appear happy, but I saw right through it.


"Good! You need to wake up and get packed! Jessica is going to pick you up at noon, right?" she asked excitedly.

"Yes ma'am...I set my alarm." I answered, my voice still groggy.

"Great!" she walked over and took a seat beside me on my bed. "How are you? I didn't get to talk to you yesterday after work."

Work. Crap.

"Ummm...yeah...I was just really tired. I spent all of my energy screaming over those tickets." I said carefully, trying to change the subject.

"Are you so excited? You have no idea how hard it was to keep the concert a secret from you!" she laughed.


"Yeah! I'm really excited!" she stared at me awkwardly, as if she was waiting for me to say more. "Well... Um, I have to get ready now. It's..." I glanced at the clock, "10:15."

"Ok," She shrugged. "Just make sure you get everything."

She stood up and began to walk out the door.

"And mom?" I stopped her.


"Have a good day. Really."

She just smiled weakly and turned to leave.

I couldn't spend my time being stressed out about my mom's happiness, though. Don't get me wrong, I truly DID worry about her, but she had to learn to move on. She had other things in her life to worry about, and so did I.

I got my favorite pair of Victoria's Secret PINK sweatpants and Nike t-shirt and put them on. I also grabbed my favorite pair of jeans, my favorite casual shirt, and some bras and panties. I put them, along with my wand and straightener, into my beat up duffle bag. Next off, make up. I applied my make up as best I could in a short period of time, and put my makeup bag in my duffle, as well. My hair went up into a messy bun, and I went to the kitchen for breakfast- with time to spare. 

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