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My name is Olly, Nice to meet ya

Can I tell you, baby?

Look around, there's a whole lot of pretty ladies

But none like you; you shine so bright

The crowd erupted into ear-piercing screams around me as Olly sang one of his hit songs.

The whole concert experience felt so familiar; I'd seen it all before. I'd heard the background music that was played before Olly went on, I'd seen Olly dance inappropriately around the microphone stand; I knew the set-list.

The only difference is that now I was sitting in the front row instead of the third. And there's a security guard standing beside me instead of Jessica.

And I'm visiting the boys. 

Strange, I know. It's really weird to think that thousands of girls payed to see the boys tonight, and I get to watch them for free... because I actually, personally know them. 

Life can be surprising. 

Oooh, baby

I just want you to dance with me tonight

I was singing along, dancing, and taking millions of pictures of Olly on my phone when I felt an abrupt tap on my shoulder. I absent-mindedly turned around to see who it was, and through the flashing lights I could see two teenage girls smiling wildly at me. They looked to be about my age; one had wavy, blonde hair like mine, and the other had cherry red hair. They were both stunning.

"Hey!" The blonde girl yelled over the loud hysteria.

"Hi!" I waved, trying to seem friendly, "What's your name?"

"She's Lilly," the red-head shouted, pointing to the blonde, "and I'm Mia!" Her slight southern accent was noticeable.

"Are you Charlotte Austin?" The blonde one- Lilly-leaned over the back of my seat and yelled to me.

"Yes," I smiled back, "I am."

Mia squealed while Lilly let out a gasp, "Oh my gosh!" Mia covered her mouth.

"I follow you on Twitter! Are you and Harry dating?" Lilly jumped up, wearing a grin that stretched up to her ears.

Her question sort of caught me off gaurd, although I guess I should have seen it coming. I should've expected someone ask me that sometime tonight. Before the show started, I went from backstage straight to my seat, so no one really had a chance to recognize me earlier.

I blinked at her dumbly for a few seconds before my brain finally told my mouth to speak, "Umm,"        I looked to the security guard who was watching over me, but he only gave me a thumbs up and a quick smile.

"I don't really know what we are. Not yet," I shrugged awkwardly at the two girls, to which they just kept on smiling.

"Well, you're really sweet. I ship y'all." Mia bounced on her feet, tucking a loose strand of red hair behind her ear.

"I do, too," Lilly agreed, "You're gorgeous."

The warm blush on my face was instantaneous. "Aww, thank you!" I was smiling so big that it was starting to hurt my cheeks.

"It's true!" Lilly laughed loudly so I could hear her over the intensity of the crowd. "Can we take a picture?"

Once again, I was caught off guard. 

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