Back Down to Earth

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Outside my window, the sun peeks through the clouds, sending a light glow through my curtains.

I blink my eyes open and the sickening feeling sinks in.

"Nooooo," I groan, rolling over onto my stomach and burrying my face into my pillow. "Not today."

As if on cue, there was a knock on my door.

"Come in." I yelled in to my pillow.

"What?" A girlie voice answered on the other side of the door, a voice that I recognized as my sister's.

Rolling over to my back, I raised my voice at her. "Come in, Amy!" The annoyed tone in my voice in my voice was palpable, but she pretended not to notice as she opened my door.

"Morning squirt!" She smiled at me, walking over to sit on my bed with a bounce. "Mom sent me to wake you up. School starts in an hour."

I roll my eyes, rolling back on to my stomach. "I'm 17. I don't need anyone to wake me up."

"Apparently you do, you're not up yet." She said irritably, and even I though wasn't looking at her face, I could practically hear her smiling. Was she doing this just to annoy me? She's never this preppy.

"Please leave. Your happiness is giving me a headache."

She sighed, which I could hear, and according to her tone, she gave up on the happy act. "Look, I'm just trying to be supportive." She started rubbing circles into my back, "I haven't really talked to you much lately. And I know school isn't great for you, so I just wanted to-"

"Thanks, but no thanks. I'm not really in the mood this morning." I still hadn't turned to look at her, but I felt the weight come off of my bed, and she sighed again. "Whatever. Sorry for being nice. But you really need to get up and get ready."

And with that, I heard her foot steps walk away on my wooden floor, and I heard my door shut behind her.

I didn't mean to be rude to my sister, but I had enough weighing on my mind. I didn't want to deal with her annoying pep.

Every time I see your face, my heart takes off on a high speed chase

Now don't be scared, its only love

That we're falling in.

I would never do you wrong

Or let you down or lead you on-

My ringtone plays from my bedside table, and I unintentionally smile. I only assigned that ringtone for one person- a certain curly haired, dimple faced boy. For the moment, all of the worries of school leave my mind as I reach for the phone.

"Hey Haz!" I smile in to the phone. After going a full 12 hours without hearing his voice, I was already in need of my daily dose of Harry. He was like a drug to me. I was addicted, and it was beautiful.

"Morning, Char!" I smile at the sound if his voice, while the drug that is Harry takes its effect on me. "How're you doing?"

I prop elbow up and rest my chin in the palm of my hand. "Ok, I guess. I have school today." I state the obvious.

"I know. That's why I called. How're you feeling about it?" He asks genuinely. Its nice to have someone who cares about you so much. Not just a mom or a sibling, but someone who's not supposed to care about you. They just do.

"Ok. It'd be even better if I got to see you afterwards. You know, to give me something to look forward to." I say stupidly, playing with the tips of my hair; running my blonde locks through my fingers.

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