Chapter 20: Perfect Game

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Chapter 20: Perfect Game

"Interesting." Hana said as she watched the villains preparing for their siege, "What is?" Tomura asked as he stood beside her. "I honestly don't know how the heroes are going to react to this kind of thing. Surely they must know by now but even I never properly got the scale of everything until now." Hana said as Tomura chuckled.

"Me either honestly. It surprised me when Sensei asked me to do something so important, though I can say I'm glad. Those four months were absolute torture. Finally, now is the time where I can finally see it all destroyed." Tomura said as he looked toward Hana.

"I'll give thanks where it's deserved. It's partially thanks to you that we can move out today. So thanks, try not to die before you watch the world you hate so much burn." Tomura said as he began to walk away, Hana rose her head as she spoke.

"Do you think that four months was enough for you to destroy it all? To take All for One?" Hana said as Tomura looked back at her as he turned away again walking into the other room as Hana looked at the mobilizing army. She smiled as she walked out of the room as well.


Hana looked back toward the other girl as she stood there frowning at her, "Duplica." Hana answered simply as Yuri walked over to her. "You are walking an army against the city alongside Shigaraki. Thousands will die!" Yuri exclaimed as Hana turned and walked away from Yuri, "It's almost over. After this, it will all be over." Hana said Yuri growled, "At what cost?" Yuri said as Hana kept walking.

"If there was a price, I've already paid it. At this point, I'm just taking what's mine." Hana said as she closed the door behind her as Yuri punched a nearby wall and before touching it to repair it using her quirk before she followed behind her old friend.

Hawks stood on top of the council building as he inspected the ground, listening in to his scattered feathers as they drifted through the air. "So far nothing, I guess this is where the fights going to be." Hawks said as Izuku put his binoculars down to look at the acting Number 1 hero.

"Why do you think so?" Izuku said as Hawks looked over at the green-haired boy. "Well if there were the sounds of civilians it wouldn't be a good battlefield. It's too quiet meaning there were preparations done here." Hawks said as Izuku nodded.

"That makes sense. Speaking of how many heroes are exactly fighting this battle? If there's a proper number then we can plan accordingly." Izuku said as Hawks put a finger to his chin, "And I won't be able to convince you guys to stay home?" Hawks said as Izuku nodded, the man sighed. "To be completely honest, there's only going to be 45 to 50 of us." Hawks said as Izuku looked at him with shock.

"Wait, why so little?" Izuku asked as Hawks looked over at him, "Despite it being quiet here at the moment, there were citizens who lived here. The other heroes are doing early evacuations to avoid as many casualties as possible." Hawks said s Izuku looked down.

"Casualties..." Izuku said as Hawks pat him on the back. "Yep, when you step on the battlefield with us. You'll have to be ready to die at a moment's notice." Hawks said as Izuku clenched his fist. "Though that's impossible. There's no way that some could truly come to terms with their demise, there's always hope or regret at the end so I won't force you to do that." Hawks said as Izuku looked back at him.

"Do you think you could be a good symbol of peace?" Izuku said as Hawks rose an eyebrow. "I would hope so, Japan is relying on me. If I screw up its game over." Hawks said as Izuku stood up. "Exactly, I'm not afraid of dying. It's an occupational hazard. I'm just really afraid of screwing up when so many people are relying on me. If I'm going to be the symbol of peace one day, I can't lose here. But what if I do?" Izuku asked as Hawks ruffled the boy's hair.

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