Chapter 15: A Glance

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Chapter 15: A Glance

Kaminari sat in the interrogation room as Hound Dog, Aizawa, Katsuki, Kirishima, and Izuku sat together on the other side, “What do you mean we can’t fucking speak to him?!” Katsuki says as Hound Dog shakes his head.

“Interrogations are strictly for Pro heroes and detectives. We appreciate your efforts in the recent attack however-” Hound Dog is cut off by Katsuki who slams his hand on the table, “Apperciate my efforts my ass, let me interrogate Thunderdolt, Homeward Bound!” Katsuki says as Izuku puts his hands up.

“Kacchan relax.” Izuku says as Katsuki gives him a death glare. “Piss right the fuck off Deku!” Katsuki says as Hound Dog intertwined his fingers together and sighs.

“I’m sorry Ground Zero, you are still working under the role of Sidekick. I can’t give you that permission.” Hound Dog says as Katsuki grits his teeth.

“Then how about mine?” Best Jeanist says as he enters the room. “Best Jeanist?” Izuku says as Aizawa looks at him remaining silent.

“My sidekick is a bit brash but I can assure you he is anything but biased, I think he should be able to interrogate Denki.” Jeanist says as Katsuki gives him a short look of surprise before replacing it with a serious expression.

“I agree with Jeanist. He might be a bit more cooperative if it’s Katsuki being the one questioning him. Besides, we’ll be able to hear their conversation. If it gets too personal we’ll pull him out.” Aizawa adds as Hound Dog grumbles.

“Fine, you have 5 minutes. Get what you need.” Hound Dog says as Katsuki gets up immediately walking out of the little room toward the interrogation zone.

“I’ll go with him.” Izuku says as Best Jeanist puts his hand up. “Leave him be. I think it’d be better if he did this alone.” Jeanist says as Izuku nods and looks into the  room.

Katsuki walks into the room looking at his friend as he kept his head down, Katsuki placed his hand on the table looking down at the other boy.

“Why the fuck did you do it?” Katsuki says as Denki sat there unresponsive as Katsuki slammed his hand on the table. “Answer me you bastard!”

Katsuki says as Denki continued being unresponsive, Katsuki grabs denki by the collar pulling him up.

“What the hell was that Duplica bitch talking about?” Katsuki says as Denki rose his head. “You… got to her?”

Denki says as Katsuki nods as the boy looked away, “I can’t say anything. They aren’t safe.” Denki says as Katsuki growls, “Don’t talk like that unless you are going to spill!” Katsuki says giving him a hard shake as the boy looked at him with tears in his eyes.

Katsuki looked at him before dropping him, “Did you enjoy it?” Katsuki asks as Denki gave him a shocked look, “No…” Denki says as Katsuki placed a hand on his shoulder.

“You’re an idiot. That’s exactly why I think I got it.” Katsuki says as he leaves the room.

Denki sits in the room with an almost relieved look on his face as Katsuki walked out with the others sitting outside waiting for him.

Katsuki gave them a look as he walked passed them. “Katsuki Bakugou, that gave us zero information!” Hound Dog growls as Katsuki looks back at him and the others as he stops.

“Really? ‘Cause that gave me everything I needed.” Katsuki says as he walks out of the building.

“Damn that boy.” Hound Dog says as Aizawa and Best Jeanist look at each other with Best Jeanist giving a small smirk.

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