Chapter 1: Breakfast?

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Katsuki Bakugo, not exactly the most charming of people shakes awake as his eyes snap open.

He breathes in and out briefly before composing himself as he groans. He hated it whenever he woke up like that, He was 3 weeks into his 2nd year of highschool yet he still couldn’t shake off a bit of his anxiousness.  

Katsuki checks his clock only to see that it’s 5:27am. 

“Shit” Katsuki says as he walks over to his little bathroom grabbing his toothbrush and aggressively brushes his teeth.

He takes a minute to look in the mirror at his shirtless form, he traces some of the scars on his body before he spits the minty foam into the sink rinsing his mouth before walking back into his room looking through his closet for an outfit.

He eventually picked out his black tank top and sweats along with some white running shoes.

Katsuki slips out of his room making his way to the elevator going down to the main floor, he looks at his hands as they slightly tremble causing him to close them in a grip. He had no clue why his nerves were so high as of recently, though he had a guess as to what it could be.

Katsuki shakes the thought out of his head as he jogged out of the doors. He plugged his headphones in and began his laps around the dormitory him and his class reside in, he had to be honest he kinda liked the place.

Having his own space without worrying about his parents was great, that being said Aizawa was still a huge pain in the ass to him with that damn curfew. 

He really enjoyed being able to get out and do plenty of training in his own time, if he was going to be number one he’d have to push the hardest out of his class of 2-A. Last year he was humbled by the fact that there were students that far surpassed him in terms of ability, such as Icy Hot and Ponytail.

In terms of ability and potency Icy Hot had been one of the school’s best since he arrived, Katsuki noted this when he took down several of his classmates in mere seconds. Hell, even Deku was rising throughout the ranks.

His childhood friend and rival had been pretty much nothing to him when they first began classes and life in general, but now he was a force to be reckoned with because of One For All and his advancements with it. 

Another contender of his and originally the one that he feared the most position wise was Ponytail or Momo Yaoyorozu, After his first fight with Deku she has broken down every flaw in their battle coming down on him the hardest.

She was so fearless and stern about it as well, her high intelligence as well as her quirk of creation made her the biggest wall in Katsuki’s opinion.

Then all the sudden she just dropped off her confidence, her tactics, that fearless air. 

Now she was just a shell of that no longer proving to be a threat to him, this pissed him off. One of his biggest driving forces just giving up like that.

He hasn’t seen much of her performance since 1st year, but as far as he was concerned, she was now just fodder.

Katuski breathes out, sweat running down his face as he wipes it away with his towel he carried on him. He looks at his phones spotting the time to be 6:41, he decides to call it  morning and head back inside. 

He walks through the doors and is instantly hit with a smell, the scent of burning everything.

His eyes snap toward the kitchen only to spot someone in there, he grits his teeth. Katsuki stomps over.

“Alright who the fuck is burning the kitchen down?!” Katsuki yells startling the young woman.

Her hair was long and black, it looked silky and flowy, she was on the taller side and super curvy. An hourglass figure to kill for, she turns around to face Katsuki.

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