Chapter 2: Exercise

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Chapter 2: Exercise

Katsuki gets out of bed with a stretch as he quickly gets ready for his day, this was the 2nd week of classes of the new year and he wasn’t trying to be late, if he makes it there early maybe he can avoid the loudass extras.

Honestly speaking he didn’t really hate any of them, not even Deku but sometimes their lollygagging pissed him off.

He’s gonna try to get in some study time before they come and interrupt his peace.

Katsuki walks down the street toward the school with his hands shoved in his pockets and a bit of a lean in his walk.

He stops before twisting around to fast approaching footsteps.

He catches the punch being thrown at him only for the attacker to also throw a kick that Katsuki narrowly dodges.

The attacker throws two more punches that Katsuki dodges grabbing the forearm of the second one, “What’s your fucking deal this early?!” He says as he releases a quick weak blast from his palm to blow back his attacker.

The attacker slides back slowly before looking up toward him, “Still as sharp as ever huh number ?” the attacker says as Katsuki focuses his eyes on them. 

She has mid length green hair that looks like its been cut a bit, a bright smile with fangs protruding from her mouth, her eyes are an olive green that make you practically sink into them. She was wearing the same school uniform as Katsuki as he rolled his eyes.

“You got a death wish or something Lizard Bitch?” Katsuki says plainly as she pouts, “Damn, I haven’t earned enough recognition for at least my last name?” she says nudging him as she walks up to him.

He just looks ahead and keeps walking, “Nope.” he says as they turn toward the school building, “Why the hell are you attacking me so damn early is my question?” Katsuki says as she places a finger to her chin. 

“I thought you’d be more up for it, besides I’ve gotta get payback for what you did to me in our group training exercise.”

She says with a fire in her eyes, Katsuki snickers, “Whatever Lizard Bitch.” he says as she just gives him a look. “You haven’t gone soft on me have you? The old you would have tried to kill me on the spot.”

She says with a grin hoping to provoke him but to no avail. 

“My bad.  I didn’t know I was supposed to give a shit about background characters.” Katsuki says leaving her with a look of shock on her face,

“Frankly I could less of shit about your crush or whatever on me but if you want payback you’ll have to do a lot more than shitty sneak attacks.” he says making it to the stairs as she sits at the bottom with a blush on her face, “I said revenge not a crush you dumbass!” She says as he rounds the next flight.
“Whatever Shego.” He says continuing upward, She growls “It’s Setsuna Tokage!” she calls up. “Still don’t care extra!” he calls back making her clench her fist. 

Setsuna wishes she could say that she hated him but that would be anything but the truth, honestly she’s admired him since the sports festival last year when they were freshmen.

He made climbing to the top look easy, she was skilled enough to get into the school based purely off of recommendation, yet he outclassed her.

Even to the point where he took her out in one shot when they trained together, after that point she swore that she would surpass him and make him recognize her for her strength.

She wasn’t obsessed with him, she just really driven to get him to acknowledge her.

Damn that doesn’t sound too great either huh? Setsuna trudges to her class swearing revenge on Katsuki Bakugo.

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