Chapter 3: Battle of the Hill

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Todoroki jumps down from the pillar along with Izuku as they square up Katsuki and Momo, Todoroki eases into a stance.

“I hope you realize as long as you are on this hill you are our enemies.” Todoroki says with a cold glare, Katsuki smirks back at him. 

“If you are asking us to get off you must have frozen half of your brain Icy Hot.” Katsuki says as Todoroki raises a hand.

“I’m not asking.” Todoroki says coldly as the area around the hill erupts with ice creating a border.

Izuku launches at Katsuki applying full cowling as he throws a punch that Katsuki narrowly blocks and attempts to counter only to catch a hard headbutt to the face.

“I’m sorry Kacchan, I’m not letting you beat me.” Izuku says as Katsuki reels from the headbutt as he is kicked in the stomach into the ice.

Izuku pursues him as Momo looks over in shock.

“Where the hell did all this come from Deku?!” Katsuki roars as he explodes out of the ice battling Izuku.

Momo stares down Todoroki as he raises his arm again, “Hope your ready for this Yaoyorozu." He says gently as Momo creates a heater shield.

"More than you know." She says back as he shoots a line of ice at her feet. 
Momo jumps away creating a halberd, as she carefully advances toward Todoroki.

She takes a couple swings at him that he dodges as he takes advantage of her movement firing an icy blast at her that she narrowly avoids striking at him once more. 

'Is she trying to pressure me into using my flames?' Todoroki thinks to himself as she continues dancing through his ice attacks, Momo plants the halberd into the ground as Todoroki creates a pillar of ice below her raising her up. 

'Taking advantage of the halberd as high ground I see, what are you up to Momo?' Todoriki thinks to himself as Momo clings on the spear as she takes in the surroundings, scanning for Katsuki.

She finally finds him clashing with Izuku, he's being pressured by Izuku to the point where he can barely get an explosion off. 

"Damn, we are both at a disadvantage,  I'm close range fighting against long range with nothing really powerful enough to counter the ice that doesn't take much time, Bakugo is fighting someone who practically knows his every move."

Momo says to herself as she begins creating, "This is definitely a tight spot but, I have a plan." Momo says as she comes down on top of Todoroki with a sword. 

Todoroki dodges and sends a quick ice shot that clips her side as she lands causing her to stagger.

Todoroki advances at this and grabs her wrist as she falls backward, "Forfeit." He says as she opens her hand dropping a bunch of pins. 

"No. Not this time." Momo says as she drops the grenades in front of him, he lets her go and flings a sheet of ice between them. The grenades explode with a flash of light reflecting off of the ice lighting the entire area in a blinding glow. 

Izuku goes to punch Katsuki again when the light comes flashing, he stops for a second and Katsuki takes advantage of this sending an explosive shot as Izuku before blasting away.

"Damn, I can't see shit." Katsuki says as he shuts his eyes from the light, "Bakugo!" Momo calls as Katsuki listens changing his direction toward her voice. 

"Ponytail!" Bakugo says as he lands next to her, she pulls him in behind the ice pillar. 

"What's next in this plan of yours?" Katsuki says with an exhausted chuckle, Momo looks back at him with the same expression.

"Honestly, this is as far as I've gotten. These two are really powerful and well coordinated."

Momo says as Katsuki sighs, "Then let's fill out the rest together, I think the reason they split up is because of collateral. Deku can't fight for shit if he also has to avoid ice attacks."

Katsuki starts, "They also took advantage of our combat types, we will have to incapacitate one and take out the other."
                                                            Momo adds "I'll handle Midoriya, you handle Todoroki." Momo continues as Katsuki nods, he grabs one of his gauntlets as Momo gives him a knowing look.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" He says with a smirk as he grabs the other one.

"How long can you hold them both off?" Momo says as she starts creating. 

"This shouldn't be a problem, just hurry up so we can finish this." Katsuki says as he prepares himself to blast upward.

"Right!" She says as Katsuki blasts upwards over the ice pillar they were crouching behind landing in front of Izuku and Todoroki.
"Well? Are one of you bastards going to make my day?" Katsuki yells as he blasts toward the both of them.

'Something isn't right here, Where's Momo?' Izuku thinks as Katsuki violently swings explosions at him.

Katsuki sends an explosive shot at the pillars of ice that Todoroki was sending to him, "Where are those damn flames Icy Hot?" Katsuki says as he blew away another sheet of ice.

Katsuki turns his head spotting Izuku slipping by toward Momo's position, he sends 3 AP shots toward his direction throwing him off from her, he continues his onslaught between the both of them before Todoroki sends a solid wall directly at Katsuki in a position where he couldn't dodge out of the way, but a massive explosion destroys the ice before it makes contact with him. 

Katsuki flips back toward the spot where the explosion came from, Momo breathes in and out as the left gauntlet smoked from her arm.

'How does Bakugo fire these things, even with shoulder braces the shock nearly took my arm off!'

Momo thinks to herself as she creates a pole. 

Katsuki nods at Momo as he blasts off toward Todoroki, while Momo intercepts Izuku.

Katsuki easily takes out most of Todoroki's ice attacks, while Momo was handling Izuku in close combat.

Izuku kicks away Momo and flies toward Katsuki with a punch.

"SMASH!" Izuku yells as Katsuki turns around with a glove that catches Izuku’s fist.

"Sayonara nerd!" Katsuki yells as he slaps the button at the top sending the glove flying into the ice wall with Izuku with it.

Todoroki sends an ice shot his way but it is broken apart by the pole thrown by Momo. 

Katsuki blasts Todoroki causing him to stagger, Momo swings at Todoroki with a mace she created as Katsuki blasted at him.

Todoroki encased himself in a thick layer of ice in hopes of waiting out the time for the spot as king of the hill.

Katsuki looks at Momo as she raises the right gauntlet toward the ice making Todoroki widen his eyes and Katsuki raises an eyebrow. 

"That's pretty risky Ponytail, a blast like that could maybe kill him." Katsuki says as she glances toward him. 

"There's a high chance it won't, the ice may be too thick." Momo says as she looks back toward the ice.

Katsuki chuckles as he raises his hand charging an explosion, "Just to make sure." He adds with a smirk.

Momo glances at Katsuki again as she pulls the pin and Katsuki fires his blast as well making a massive explosion destroying the ice and sending Todoroki flying into the ice wall.

"I think he's alive." Katsuki says with a laugh as the sound of an alarm goes off with the words Congratulations above them with the sound of confetti sounding through the air.

Momo looks at Katsuki as he turns his head away, "You did good...Momo" he says as she turns toward him. 

She smiles at him as she starts laughing, "Oi what the fuck are you laughing at?!"

Katsuki yells as her as she calmed down and smiled again. 

"Same goes to you…Katsuki." Momo says gently as Katsuki fights a blush appearing on his face.


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