Chapter 8: All is Fair in Love and War Part 1

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Chapter 8: All is fair in Love and War Part I

Asuga was fully prepared to outclass Momo in every single way, in fact, she was prepared for it. When she spotted the girl acting weird whenever she struggled to get out of Recovery Girl's office she knew she had to keep an eye out for her. Momo Yaoyorozu had a good quirk and along with that, she was smart but other than those two obstacles it's going to be easy to beat her. Asuga had done a little observation on the girl and was planning on exploiting any information she could that she got on her, she was there at the mall whenever they were shopping for clothes on that day they all went out and came back really late. There she picked up the piece of info that Momo was indeed crushing on Katsuki but she needed more if she wanted to have a proper edge.

Her hopes were lifted whenever Todoroki asked her out 4 days ago, she had hoped that Momo would have been smitten with the boy to the point where his charm and her small crush would take her away. Asuga followed Momo throughout her day out with him and honestly was surprised whenever she rejected the boy and even just went and professed her love for Katsuki as well. The good news was that meant that she was correct in calling Momo's bluff and now her plan goes into action.

Asuga didn't have much personal bias against the other girl at all but Katsuki was way too interesting to her to just pass up, if she was being completely honest she had thought the rest of the class was below her in a sense. They had such a belief in frivolous things, such as dating, grades, heroism, and happy endings. There were two things that Asuga knew about the world, Reality, and Results and that's why Katsuki Bakugo was so interesting to her. He was beyond the rest of them, with his power quirk and determination to be the best he was practically perfect. The closest second was Izuku Midoriya but in the end, there was a weight on his shoulders that prevented him from striving forward not that she cared, to her Katsuki was going to be the greatest of them all and she couldn't help but want a part in that.

Asuga smiles as she bumps into Katsuki, she's been watching him closely as well, she knew he had a weakness for a challenge. Small talk and other topics didn't get him riled up for conversation as much as teasing and challenge did. "Morning, Number 1!" She says with a small smirk on her face causing Katsuki to give her a look. "You fucking mocking me?" He says with a bit of a growl as she chuckles "No no of course not Kacchan, I'm just calling you by a name I thought of. Unless you like Kacchan better?" Asuga teases as Katsuki gives her a weird look.

Perfect he's cornered, either he accepts Number 1 as his nickname from me, which is practically mocking him, or he accepts to be called Kacchan in which Izuku is within earshot harming his pride. It's a classic rock and a hard place, Asuga smirks as Katsuki sweat drops a little before shrugging saving face. "Call me whatever the hell you want. It doesn't matter coming from an extra." Katsuki says as he takes his seat.

Interesting, he picked an option with less collateral. I should have expected this from him, "Alrighty Kacchan~" Asuga says throwing a glance directly toward Momo who tries her best not to glare back. As the class goes on Asuga does her best to put off Momo, making sure to answer any questions before she could while lightly flirting with Katsuki to throw her off just a bit more. Asuga was hell-bent on destroying her, love is indeed a war and she intended to be the United States to her Japan. Leaving nothing but ashes and nuclear fallout in her wake. Asuga can't help but smirk watching Momo squirm furiously.

The next phase was talking to her friends and getting close to them, Asuga talked with Kirishima and Mina making sure she spoke to them together. They had a higher bias as such which should make talking to them one on one later easier, "How did you two end up actually being together?" Asuga asks as Kirishima scratched the back of his head shyly as Mina told the story, "So we were out and hanging with Kaminari for his birthday along with Bakugo, Yaomomo, and Jirou. We were having... a lot of fun and eventually I just couldn't take it and I kissed him. We didn't actually get together until afterward when he finally decided to man up!" Mina says slapping him lightly as he rolled his eyes with a laugh, "Oh hush! You were shy and finger twiddling whenever I asked you and you know it!" Kirishima said as Mina put her finger up and he closed his mouth, she smiled and kissed him on the cheek, "Sometimes it's really that easy." Mina says as Kirishima laughs again, "You're evil." Mina responds, "I love you too." She says with a smile as Asuga grinned at both of them.

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