Chapter 16: Ashes

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Chapter 16: Ashes

Momo walked throughout the hospital with a notepad in her hand as she found Katsuki who was leaned against one of the hospital walls.

"Took you long enough Ponytail." Katsuki says as she gives him a quick peck on the cheek. "Thanks for coming out today, I have a theory but without proper evidence we won't be able to gauge it's believability." Momo says as Katsuki nods.

"You're trying to see how elaborate the traps were." Katsuki says as they walked side by side, Momo nodded as she looked at the room numbers.

"With eyewitness testimony we'll at least know that it wasn't Kaminari, the more elaborate the better." Momo says as Katsuki snickers.

"What?" Momo says innocently as Katsuki looks at her. "That's one way to call Thunderdolt an idiot." Katsuki says as Momo starts waving her hands in front of him.

"I didn't mean to call him an idiot! It's just intelligence wise he isn't at the highest caliber." Momo says as Katsuki deadpans.

"Just call him dumb." Katsuki says as Momo turns away.

"I refuse." Momo says as she takes his hand and drags him to the room she spotted, "Here we are, 3751. Yu Takeyama aka-" Momo is interrupted as Katsuki interjects.

"Mount Tits." Katsuki says as Momo shoots him a glare, "What? You beat her by a long shot trust me." Katsuki says as Momo blushes and punches him on the arm.

"What the fuck was that for?!" Katsuki says as Momo squints at him, "It's rude to talk about a woman's bust." Momo says as she reaches for the door handle.

"Well shit, you're self-conscious about it aren't you?" Katsuki teases as Momo turns toward him with a blush on her face.

"That doesn't matter in the slightest! It's still rude!" Momo says as Katsuki opens the door.

"Don't worry Mo, with or without. I'd still rather deal with you over anyone else." Katsuki says as Momo blushes and follows the boy in.

In the room they find a lovely woman with long blonde hair sitting up in her bed as the sun shone through the window engulfing her presence in a practically golden glow.

"Oi Nurse you guys got any more grape juice? This apple stuff tastes like piss!" Yu says as she turns around to spot Katsuki who has a straight face and Momo who's trying not to laugh.

"So i'm guessing neither of you has grape juice?" Yu asks as Momo shakes her head and Katsuki digs through his bag pulling out a can of coffee throwing it to her smacking her right on the head.

"Watch where you are tossing shit you little... oooh!" Yu says as she opens the can and takes in the caffeine with a whiff, "Nevermind this is perfect!" Yu says as Katsuki rolls his eyes.

"I was told I needed a bribe." Katsuki says as Yu sweatdrops, "Do they honestly think that lowly of me?" she says as Katsuki rolls his eyes.

"I don't blame them." Katsuki says as Yu huffs before a mischievous smile appears on her face.

"I see, then what would you like? I don't have much to offer other than maybe a peek at my beauty." Yu says as she slightly lifts the side of her hospital gown causing Momo to blush she glares as Katsuki growls.

"Nobody wants to see your dirty ass!" Katsuki says as Yu growls back, "Dirty? How dare you, you little brat?!"

Yu says as Katsuki takes a step forward. "Yeah, my guess is you haven't had a proper bath in days you sickly bum!" Katsuki says as Yu chuckles bitterly.

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