Chapter × 31 ×

51 3 3

PS : This will be a longer chapter than usual. So I hope you still enjoy it. xx

This is 2 days after the last chapter time zone, so Alpha Rhodes is close!


"Good morning, baby." I pecked Irayna on the lips before proceeding to make breakfast.

"Good morning. Goddess, you look editable in front of the stove." She joked and a playful growl rumble within my chest, which just earned me a chuckle.

"Bacon, eggs, toast and Apple juice - may I add your favorite - for one magnificent m'lady." I grinned as her eyes lit up when I placed her plate in front of her.

"Aaaanddd. Don't worry baby. There's more for when your bear is still hungry." I winked and her eyes changed to black while she sneered at me. Her wolf hated me teasing her about eating like a bear.

Like I predicted Irayna's wolf , Zhara, was still hungry, so she made Irayna eat like 2/3 plates.

We decided to go for a run, it was still early, so we hid our clothes in a tree trunk behind our house , and shifted into our wolves.

I still adored Irayna's wolf color so much. It was a beautiful deep grey that it almost look black.

I let my wolf take the lead as she was familiar with the terrain and so our wolves danced through the forest until they came to a massive lake, splashing and swimming in the water.

While we were in the water I decided to shift back to my human form and Irayna followed my lead. We were naked and I saw her eyes raking over my upper body and mine were doing the same to hers.

"You're breathtaking." I whispered and her ear tips turned pink. Pulling her body closer against mine, I felt the sparks erupting, and both of us gasped.

"I love you..." she whispered before capturing my lips against hers. Instinctively I snaked my arms around her waist and hers snaked around my neck, while the kiss got more heated and passionately.

I knew this was what I envisioned my life with Irayna would turn out to be. Neither of us worrying every day about our safety nor having to run.

I wanted to make her my Luna... I wanted to marry her right now and make her Mrs Brox.  I wanted to start a family with her. I wanted to wake up to her every morning, make her breakfast in bed and give her good morning kisses, even if she always complained that she had morning breath. I wanted to annoy her and tease her. I wanted to kiss her any time I wanted to.

I wanted her.

We pulled away, resting our foreheads against each other. My core was burning for her touch, but not here. Not in the open. We smiled, knowing very well what both of us were thinking.

"Come, let's get home. Maybe we can finish up there." I winked and she nodded eagerly, both of us getting out of the water , after checking if anyone was near.

We shifted and were slowly making our way, when my wolf ears picked up a sound. I stopped, trying to identify the sound.

Love? What is it? Irayna looked at me, her wolf hearing wouldn't have pick it up just yet.

My eyes widened when I knew what the sound was. It was cars, and I know Alpha Sanders haven't invited anyone.

I nudged Irayna to our house and with a firm nod from her, we made our way to our backyard, shifting when we got close enough to our clothes.

"Baby, I think we have unwanted company... so, let's go inside and seal the house, okay?" She nodded and we made our way into house after changing into our clothes.

I poured wolfs bane on the ground, at our front and back door, while Irayna did all of the windows. I learned this back at home. It would sealed the house and no wolf could ever get in or out without having to break the seal.

"You good?"I ask Irayna and she slowly nodded, but she was clearly shaken up. I held her firmly against my body. Something felt off, and my gut told me that we're going to find out what it is...

Soon enough.


This is the moment I think everyone has been waiting for. 

Can the O/G wolves remember that Cara went through kind of the same thing? Killing a mad Alpha?

You think Xhylia would be able to pull it off? Would this be the end for her?

The book is slowly coming to an end and , tbh, I loved writing my two supernatural books.

Maybe I'll write another one?

Maybe not? I don't know... but I'll keep y'all updated.


Janet xx

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