The 'defy girl'

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What the hell. Why is Smosh office so far away in the compound?
And trust me, it is. I mean, we were now walking for a good 15 minutes. The list of things dreading me is so long. Heavy box of my stuff, heated corridor, my glasses resting on my nose and not on the bridge and then the eternal silence.

We then made a final left, and the office was in clear sight. I felt a sudden relief. Just then Ian said "umm, y/n, I was thinking i would introduce you to the office tomorrow. Today you should just set up your desk, cause its already late."

Thank God, atleast one less thing to worry about.

"Frankly speaking, after working  in defy office, its gonna be a degradation for you."

"No no, I don't judge a job by the air conditioning." I tried to lighten up the mood.
He chuckled. I noticed it then that he chuckles like my dad. Funny.

"But the editor room has no space, man." Matt told Ian.
Sooooo, apparently defy did not think this through. I am not surprised. Moreover the editor room is so small. I wonder how others worked there.
"There's gotta be place somewhere" I tried to make it easy for them.
"No y/n, you should have a proper place to work. 'Somewhere' is not an answer." Ian said.

I have to admit. The Smoffice, what smosh peeps call it is nothing like I was told it would be. How many work places allow you to play catch when you need to stretch. People here look remarkably better than defy. I don't mean looks wise, i mean happiness wise. With exception of some overworked souls, everybody looked happy. But did i get any accepting looks? No.

"Actually, umm... Ian van i talk to you for a sec" and Matt pulled him in a corner. They discused something, which Ian was initially denying, but then apparently tried to give a shot. I wonder what.
"Hey y/n, i know it is weird and very unprofessional, but we don't have any other option." Ian said. I could see that he was not comfortable.
"Shoot it."
"There's a desk which is empty, but its almost in the hallway." Ian said.
Wonderful, now everyone will be able to see me working, and i will have to talk to everyone. But I can't put any more pressure on Ian either. I wish there were as another way.

"Oh, ok. Umm... is there no other place. I am comfortable working alone. No pressure though."

"Actually there is a place in the office but its not empty all days. Next to shooting room. Its like a storage room but we use it for makeup n all."
I cAn bet it is better than hallway. Also i will be able to interact with people sometimes.
"Yeah, cool. That would be no issue." I said, with my best satisfied expression i could give.

So here i am, in the empty room settings up my table. I was given a spare desk and the tech guys also gave me a computer. Matt told me that i could modify the space around my table as i like bit not to disturb the makeup table. I didn't need him to say that, i would naturally never touch those things willingly.
The room was not bad. It had enough light, it was also along the sunshaded wall of the building so always cool. There was a blue beanbag in the room and it smelled amazing die to all the makeup stuff. Also, i had a good view of the entire staff area through the door.
I was 20 minutes into setting the table when the light from door was blocked by someone. I turned to find the smart guy, Damien standing there. It was then that i noticed how heavenly his hazel eyes were. They were not deep, but so beautiful and innocent, especially with his messy brown hair randomly falling over his forehead. Even through his glasses, and through mine too, i could feel a warm welcome in them. God he is attractive.
"Hey, hows the set up going?" he asked, breaking me out of my thoughts.
"Its going pretty good. Almost done actually." I replied, thankful that my blush was hidden in the darkness.
"Ian wanted to know if you would like to see the shooting of a games vedio, just so that you know how it is done."

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