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Chace P.O.V

Me and Brooke arrived at school together which is weird to say out loud considering just 2 weeks ago we weren't talking at all. 

Yesterday was a strange day to say the least... Me and Brooke had actually made up our friendship due to circumstances a.k.a the circumstances being Brooke losing the class president election, which brought me and Brooke closer than ever.

"I can't believe Velma from Scooby Doo actually won against me... she looks like Velma for christ's sake!" I heard Brooke say to me while tearing down one of her campaign posters from one of the walls of the school hallway. "I think your opponent had an actual name that's not Velma..." I added. "You're not helping Chace." Brooke said. 

"l still think you would've made an excellent class president." I said comfortingly. "Thanks Chace but she literally destroyed me during the debate... you saw!" Brooke said angrily tossing her crumpled poster into a nearby trashcan.

"I know I know but that doesn't mean you can't try next year and come at her again stronger." I said to her and we were now walking down the halls together.

"You really think I have another shot next year?" Brooke asked turning her head slightly to look at me. "Duh! You'll have me to campaign with you!" I said cheering Brooke up.

"Ugh! You're too nice, say something mean to me." Brooke said while giggling.

"Well... every point Velma made about you was true that you were gonna cater to the cheerleaders and jocks and ignore everybody else who actually had problems..." I said.

"Hey!" Brooke said since she was offended.

"And to be fair... Velma does have way too much time on her hands." I said to Brooke. 

"Exactly... I bet you she even practiced her speech!" Brooke said. "You didn't practice your speech at all?" I said raising my eyebrow at Brooke. "Of course not silly ain't no one got time for that!" Brooke proudly said. "Oh my god Brooke that's so bad" I said covering my face with both my hands. "What? Practicing speeches is hard." Brooke defended. "And you wonder how you lost." I said causing Brooke to playfully smack me. And we both erupted into laughter.

"Woah woah what's going on here?" We heard a voice say. Me and Brooke turned around and recognized it was Mikey's voice. Mikey was also a very close friend of mine before our whole fallout... I also told him to 'fuck off' last time I talked to him.

"Hello Mikey." Brooke teasingly said to Mikey.

"Am I hallucinating or do I see Chace next to you and you guys were just laughing?" Mikey said turning from Brooke to me, then back at Brooke then back at me.

"Your eyes don't deceive you Michael." Brooke said stepping closer to Mikey.

"I forgot to tell you, we made up!" Brooke cheerfully said. "Well it's about god damn time!" Mikey said cheering as well, but I wasn't feeling a little cheery.

"Mikey... I-I'm sorry about how I lashed out on you last time we spoke." I said nervously biting my cheek.

"I forgive you dummy and I'm also sorry for taking Brooke's side during everything." Mikey admitted.

"Aha!" I said loudly causing Mikey to stare at me in confusion.

"So you were taking Brooke's side! You told me back then that you weren't taking any sides." I said to Mikey teasing him.

Mikey became flustered, "D-Did I say that? W-What little old me?" Mikey said nervously and I just gave him a smug grin cause I knew I was right all along that he was taking sides.

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