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Chace P.O.V

My breakup with Jason had been viral. I'm guessing so many people were interested in talking about our breakup was because it involved Jason Ramirez since everyone adores Jason, he's our school's most cherished football player... so when people found out he's been dating a boy this whole time... It got a lot of people talking. Everyone and I mean everyone knew about the scandal. School staff would give me worried looks, even the guidance counselor called me to talk with her. I was done with school and decided to keep a low profile I missed school Wednesday through Friday plus the weekend. It was Sunday now and I didn't really know if I should go to school tomorrow or not. I then heard my door knock, I sighed knowing it was probably my worried parents again. They didn't know what happened but I haven't been talking or eating much.

"Chace..." I heard Brooke. What was she doing here?

"I'm not coming out" I yelled loud enough for Brooke to hear. "You're not gonna get away from me that easily Chace." I heard her footsteps leave and I sighed in relief. But then I remembered.

"Oh shit my backdoor." The door that connected my room to my backyard, the door that Jason would occasionally sneak into. I ran as fast as I can to the door but it opened before I got to it.

"Chace you're up and looking like hell." Brooke said cheekily at me. "What do you want Brooke? Can't you see I'm bummed." I said. "That's exactly why I'm here." Brooke said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "I can't stand another stare, point, or whisper Brooke. I'm so tired of this, so I'll just wait till this all blows over." I said. "Chace I'm sorry but this won't blow over anytime soon, and you can't miss school for like months." she responded. "If that's what it takes.." I groaned.

"At least go out tonight... Mikey's throwing a party to celebrate his parents leaving him to go to Mexico for a week." Brooke pleaded.

A party right now sounded like a terrible idea... But getting drunk sounded pretty good. "You know Mikey isn't gonna invite lame people who are just gonna talk about you all night, plus it's a party everyone's gonna not be paying attention to you instead they'll be having sex, drinking, or smoking." She made a very convincing argument.

"Is the party god Jason Ramirez gonna be there?" I asked sarcastically. "No. I threatened Mikey that his balls will be chopped off if he invites Jason." Brooke said. I was now actually considering to go. "but then Mikey said chopping his balls off would be hot." Brooke added and I rolled my eyes and laid back on my bed. "Great. He's so useful." I groaned. "C'mon Chace." Brooke begged.

"Who even throws a party on Sunday?" I said. "Um hello? Holiday tomorrow equals no school." she said as she knocked on my forehead. "Okay I'm in but I'm gonna need a real good outfit, and if I see Jason I am bailing." I said. "Okay good enough for me!" she squealed and clapped her hands together. "Time to get ready then bitch." She said. I sat up and rubbed my forehead. "But it's 11am" I said. "Don't you wanna look popping for your grand return Chace?" Brooke said in annoyance. "I just wanna get drunk and pass out on the ground." I said and me and Brooke laughed.


We were standing at the doorsteps of Mikey's house, the lights were flashing and the party was already crazy. Brooke made us late cause she couldn't decide which lip color she should go with. Honestly I was nervous, I didn't know what was gonna go down at this party but I didn't want to leave Brooke alone so she can get drugged or something.

We walked in and immediately all eyes were on us. Well by us I mean me. At least there was no sign of Jason here. Once Mikey, the host of the party, noticed me and Brooke walk in he came up to us and that's when every body stopped staring at me and went back to doing their own thing, "Hey you guys made it... Chace thank god you're finally out of the house." Mikey said. "Yeah thanks for stopping by to check up on me I could've been dead." I said to Mikey. "Ouch, I would've visited but all this party planning." Mikey replied. I knew his response was genuine so I just shrugged. "Oh! There's Dean. Quick how do I look?" Brooke asked but before me and Mikey could answer she ran over to Dean. "Yo Mikey someone puked in your vase!" A jock screamed over to Mikey. "Are you fucking serious?" Mikey said as he walked away from me leaving me all alone.

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