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Chace P.O.V

Me, Dean and Dean's friends were still inside the large tent until Dean announced to begin riding. He hopped onto his dirtbike that was parked inside the far corner of the tent and slowly drove towards the exit of the tent. Tommy and Luna were holding the flaps of the tent wide open so Dean can drive out without any altercations. After Dean drove outside, Tommy and Luna followed him out and I followed them as well. I watched Dean in awe as he rode his dirtbike up one of the rocky hills.

Soon after, Tommy jumped on his own dirtbike that was parked outside of the tent and shoved his helmet on and drove off to follow Dean's trail.

I looked over to Luna to see if she was going to get on her bike too, but she began to walk up the trail that Dean and Tommy had just drove up to.

"Hey pipsqueak are you just gonna stand there or what?" I heard Luna call over to me. I was a little startled by her call to me. "I-I'm coming!" I said and I made a quick jog over to where Luna was standing waiting for me.

"Aren't you gonna get on a dirtbike too?" I asked Luna with a puzzled look. "I left my bike parked up on top of the hill pipsqueak." She said to me. "Why do you keep calling me that?" I said with an irritated expression on my face. "Everyone in the friend group has got a nickname dummy!" She said slapping me playfully on the back. She stopped walking and she turned to look at me. "Even Dean has one." She said mischievously smirking. "Really? What is it?" I said looking at her with wonder. "We call Dean, Carebear, Thomas is Tommy and me I'm- "

"Hey Lunatic hurry up and catch up with us!" I heard Dean call over from the top of the hill. "Shut the hell up Carebear!" Luna angrily yelled over back at Dean. "God I hate that guy." Luna said to me while crossing her arms in frustration. "Why do you guys call him Carebear?" I said silently laughing to myself. "Because he acts all tough on the outside but we all know he's a big softie on the inside just like a carebear duh." Luna said continuing to walk.

"And by the way..." Luna said while stopping her walk again to turn around and face me. "I don't want you to think me and Dean have some sort of romantic 'thing' together cause we don't... we're honestly just really close friends... Back in middle school I was proud and loud about liking other girls, but the other females in the school didn't seem interested in becoming friends with a lesbian like me, so I was basically an angry loner... but then entered Dean who was also an angry loner, he isolated himself from others because he found everyone annoying but he for some reason noticed the shitty situation I was in and we actually talked and became friends together, we'd talk smack about everybody else and stuff... Soon enough came along Thomas and now we're all a big happy fucking family." Luna said to me while looking up into the night sky.

Luna continued, "Dean's nice and all but his biggest flaw though is the way he treats women!" I heard Luna say and she quickly shifted her tone from a sincere reminiscing one to a now pissed off one. "I swear as a woman lover myself! The way he constantly breaks females hearts is the worst and that's why I always like to piss him off through bickering because his panties always get in a twist!" Luna said.

Luna let out a loud sigh to cool down before speaking again, "Despite Dean's flaws, I'll still always be his damn friend because he's done so much for me back when I was at my lowest during middle school and I can never forget that... So no matter how many mistakes he makes I'll always be on his freaking side even though he's a huge pain in my ass." Luna said smiling at me. Luna didn't realize how much her words about her friendship with Dean impacted me. Luna is aware of the problems with Dean but she doesn't try to forcefully change him or let that destroy their friendship... It made me think of my situation with my own friends. "And don't worry about Dean's problem with girls.. I can already tell that he's slowly changing his demeanor around you and treating you differently than the others he's been with... it's weird I don't know what damn spell you have on him?" Luna said scratching the back of her neck. "I don't know either..." I said nervously cause I've been asking myself the same question ever since Dean began speaking to me... Why exactly me? I'm not even all that special to be honest... I pushed those deep thoughts aside and changed the subject quickly.

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