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Chace P.O.V

I was pacing back and forth outside the principals office. He talked to me first so I can summarize what had happened and to let Dean and Jason cool off before they fought to the death in his office. All I told him was that I saw them fighting and tried to break them up... It would've been really awkward to give him you know the specifics of the situa- The door opened and I practically jumped in my seat. The two boys walked out and they both stared at me waiting for me to say something.

"You know I pictured you guys fighting over me to be more romantic.." I said trying to ease the tension. Dean looked annoyed at the comment but I can see in his eyes that he wanted to smirk and was a bit happy to see me. Jason on the other hand gave me a weird look just shook his head and walked away. Really? It was a just a joke jerk.

I wanted to go after Jason but Dean grabbed my arm. "Wanna ditch?" he said. "Uhh doesn't fighting in the halls result in like detention or something? Not ditching." I said. "I don't care..." he said avoiding my glare and shoving his hands in his pockets. He almost seemed a little nervous asking me to hang out.

"Dean you know I'd love to... but Jason remember..." I said. Dean looked up, "It was a stupid idea anyways never mind go back to your mindless jock." he spat at me clearly angry. "That mindless jock is still your best friend idiot!" I said mad now too.

Me and Dean gave each other death threatening looks. Before our argument escalated the principal cleared his throat.

"You guys do realize you're still outside my office right?" he said. I crossed my arms and Dean rolled his eyes. "Both of you to class now!" he roared again. I apologized to the principal and made my way out his office, Dean didn't waste no time leaving. I sighed to myself, I knew that if I were to go back to class now all eyes would be on me and I'd hate the attention. I might as well have ditched with Dean I thought to myself while sitting in one of the bathroom stalls.

"Chace..?" I heard my name being called. Surprised, I opened the stall and saw that it was Mikey. "Saw you walking in here..." he said again.

"Wow you can talk to me? I'm sure Brooke would crucify you." I said teasing him. He laughed a bit "Yeah well she won't find out if we talk in here.." He said rubbing his neck.

"Please tell me you aren't picking sides.." I said rubbing my arm now. "Chace.. You know I wouldn't do that-"

"But yet tell me why that's exactly what you're doing.." I said cutting him off. "No Chace you're getting the wrong idea." he said.

"No Mikey I thought you were my best friend? Like an older brother to me. You're supposed to look out for me not... talk shit about me with Brooke and choose her side." I said. "Chace no one is picking sides... I'm just closer to Brooke we basically grew up together and I just don't want to risk my friendship with her... Doesn't mean I hate you or talk shit about you, you're still my friend Chace." he said. "Friends check up on each other, ask if they're okay,.. maybe also sit with them during lunch when they're clearly alone... If you are my friend then you're a shitty one." I said. Mikey just looked down not knowing what to say. "But you don't have to worry Mikey I don't want to ruin your popular status and friendship with Brooke since she's more important... I'm done with you and Brooke and all this b.s" I said walking past him towards the exit. "Chace you're being an idiot just-"

"I am an idiot aren't I?" I said. "Fine you just lost your only friend now!" Mikey said glaring at me dead in the eyes. I was still standing by the door when it suddenly flung open. "Actually I just found my only friend." I said grabbing Deans leather jacket and dragged him away. But I had to say my last words to Mikey. "You can fuck off now Mikey."

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