ignore me, i should be doing homework

458 23 18

Don't mind me, just writing drabble while I ignore my homework. In reference to one of mutantalientrash's drawings.

"I'm sorry, you what?"

Nightmare stared at Dream in shock and annoyance.

"I want to join your team." Dream repeated himself.

Nightmare broke his stare to look away and shake his head, "yeah, I got that. Why?"
Dream gave him a look. His eyes had deep bags beneath them, and his eyes looked absolutely dead.

"If I stay with Ink for one more minute i'm going to wring his neck."

Nightmare chuckled, "do us all a favor, if only the bastard would stay dead. What'd he do this time?"

Dream groaned, "We were posing for one of the fancy pictures that we take every year and he licked me! Right as the camera went off! And he insisted that we keep it! He's got it in a frame up in his office! And that's only the frosting on the metaphorical-stars-damned-cake!"

He glared at Nightmare, "I am going to put an arrow through his skull one of these days and I would prefer not to be his ally while doing it. At least then I don't have to deal with more of his shit."

Nightmare nodded, "alright, I guess that's understandable. I'm going to corrupt your soul though, Darkness style. I like how you look in his outfits."

Dream stared at him, "Nightmare, you could sew my mouth shut and lock me in a remote wing of your mansion and I'd still prefer you to Ink."

Nightmare shrugged, "fair enough. C'mon, let's go get you a room."

Word count: 249

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