She goes quiet, and I know she knows I'm right.

After a pause, she goes on.  "Ash, I haven't known you for long but I know you well enough to know that you wouldn't kill anyone.  Your magic acting out certainly will not be strong enough to kill anyone, not yet.  Drago's power, however, is.  He made you believe that you used your magic by making your fingers feel a certain way.  And if you didn't stab Gladion then how did that knife end up in your hands?  Also, even if you didn't see him, that doesn't mean he wasn't there."

I blink at her bleakly.  "So what?  I was there.  I could've done something-"

"Ash, stop!" she interjects.  "You need to believe in your innocence if this trial-"

"Trial?  Like a court trial?" I ask.  "Don't I need a lawyer or something?"  Are there even fairy lawyers?  What would that even look like?

She shrugs.  "I have no idea what a lawyer is but I'm assuming yes.  There will be someone prosecuting against you.  The Leader usually decides your fate.  You have to choose someone to act on your defense and if you can't find anyone, don't worry, someone will do it."

I nod at her.  "Can it be you?" 

She shakes her head sadly.  "That's one rule, sadly," she says.  "Ministers must help the Leaders decide the accused's guilt, so they cannot take part."

I sigh.  "Perfect.  That's probably for the best though, since I'm guil-"

Layra fumes at me.  "Ash, for the sake of my sanity and your own, but specifically mine, please stop.  As I was saying earlier, you need to believe in your innocence if this trial is to end in your favour.  If not for yourself, think of Serena.  You love her, don't you?  Push through for her.  Remember, she needs you.  The whole world needs you- you're the only one that can stop Drago."  

Suddenly, I've thought of it.  I calm down, looking at Layra.  "Can my aide be a Light fairy?"

She nods, looking puzzled.  "Yes, but I don't see why-" suddenly it dawns on her.  "Oh Ash.  That's a great idea!  I'll go over there right away and request that she be here to support you."

I nod.  "Thanks," I call out as she leaves.  I smile.  I know Serena will help me.  I know that she'll believe in my innocence to the end, and I need her right now to lift me up so I can see that too.


"Welcome to the Light Fairies," I announce to Clemont when we step out of the portal.  Clemont looks around, curious, and obviously a bunch of fairies notice us.  I instantly notice that Bonnie is one of them, and she hugs her brother tightly.

"Clemont, what are you doing here?" she asks, her voice radiating with happiness.

Clemont smiles back, albeit a bit sadly.  "I'm going to stay here for good," he says.  "Something bad happened, and Serena says I'm one of you."

Bonnie looks puzzled, and a bit worried.  "What happened?"

The newcomer sighs and just says it.  "Dad passed away."

The Day fairy is filled with shock, and I see her eyes shake as she brings her hands to her mouth.  Clemont hugs her fiercely as she trembles.  "How, Big Brother?"

He looks at me, and I shake my head.  Kalos's destruction doesn't need to be known... for now.  

Clemont looks back at his sister.  "I'll tell you later, I promise," he says sincerely.  

I don't want to take him away from his beloved sister but I have no choice.  "Clemont, we should do your Initiation right away.  I just need to find-"

"Right here, Your Lightness," comes Heliux's voice.  Max follows suit behind him.

I understand instantly.  "Yes, we should do both of them today.  There's no time to waste," I say, authority sneaking into my voice.  "Clemont, come with us.  Max, wait here for a little bit."

Clemont walks beside us while Max stays behind, with Bonnie.  I have to admit they look adorable together.  He talks to her like they've known each other for ages, yet they've only been in each other's presence for a couple mere hours.

The three of us head inside the Initiation room, and Heliux locks the doors.  Heliux pulls something out from a nearby shelf and hands it to Clemont, instructing it to put it on his wrist.  "It will make it painless," the Minister explains, and the new fairy instantly does as told.

"Clemont, could you send out Luxray please?" I ask.

He nods and in a couple seconds, Luxray is visible.  The majestic Electric-type Pokemon stares curiously at the room, and when it sees me, its eyes light up a little.  It almost reminds me of my own Pokemon.  I smile; I wonder if they remember me, wherever they are?

I look at Heliux and he nods.  I place my hands on my Necklace and I can see Heliux readying his powers as well.  Together we chant the Initiation words.

"Initiosous pharie ellementha.  Initiosous pharie ellementha."

We repeat them until the magic fizzles and dies out.  Clemont is standing there with his new fairy wings, in a suit that reminds me of the one he wore at that dance party.  That wonderful day when I battled with Ash and when Sylveon evolved.  He stands up, shaking a little under the impact of the transformation, and hands the bracelet back to Heliux.  

"You can go back to Bonnie now," I say.  "Tell her to take you to Brock, and you'll hear your Element.  Oh!  I almost forgot, can you tell Max to come as well?"

He nods and leaves; a few seconds later Max shows up.  We repeat the same process, and once it is finished all three of us leave.  I notice Bonnie looking at Max from afar- wait a minute, what is that red hue I see on her face...?

There is an unusual commotion in the hollow, and when I look I see a new face.  I instantly recognize that fact that she is a Dark Fairy.  I look at Heliux, and he looks put off by her appearance.  It's then that I recognize her- she's the lady that Heliux is always drawing!  Is that who he was meeting today?  Is he in love with a Dark fairy?  That's... that's... Heliux seems to catch on to what I'm thinking.  His eyes grow stern and I realize he doesn't want me to say anything.  I'll listen to him... for now.

I go to greet her, trying to act like a proper leader.  "Dark Fairies are not welcome here, as long as the war is going on," I say, although at the moment I don't couldn't care less.  Heliux shows up next to me, and she falters slightly at his presence.  Still though, she stands tall, not letting him blow away her confidence; this interaction right here has basically confirmed it to me that these two are in a relationship.

She raises her chin.  "Really now?  Then why is it you're taking Ash away from us?"

Shock fills me.  "What?  You know about that?"

She nods.  "Of course.  Ash asked me to help him with the plan.  But now he needs your help."

My eyes harden, trying to hide my worry.  "Why would Ash need my help, the Leader of the Light Fairies?"

She looks at me squarely and replies, "Because he has been accused of causing another fairy's death, and he requested that you stand by his side in the trial.  The trial which is about to start any minute now."

"What!?" I shriek.  "How- why- never mind.  Yes, yes I agree.  Take me there right now," I say.  

What has Ash gotten himself into?  I know that he's innocent.  I'm sure Layra knows it too.  Her name is like a distant memory; like Rin's, I've only heard it a couple times.

Wait- not Rin.  Drago.

I follow her, but before I do I whisper to Heliux to initiate the plan.  I smile.  Perhaps this could turn out in our favour.

Yep that's where we'll end it for now!!  I hope you enjoyed this chapter.  As you can expect the next chapter will be full of action, so I'll try to get it out asap!

Anyway I have to go now.  Stay tuned for more :)

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