Sun/ pain/ memories

Start from the beginning

"You do realize this is practice!" Fetu said evenly.

"Practice makes perfect..." Jackson said, tossing his sword, both of them getting dangerously close to each other. Alexander looked up at Enele, who was watching them both along with some of the other warriors who were sparring but now was watching the scene unfold. Alexander felt the tension in the air. Adisa frowned, walking up to Alexander.

"Jackson is becoming a liability...we can not have him behaving this way. It reflects badly on you," Adisa said, which is something Alexander was slowly coming to realize. Alexander nodded, acknowledging he had heard Adisa but not taking his eyes off of Jackson and Fetu.

"You know what..." Fetu said, backing away some with a sly smile.

"I'm done here...perhaps I need to find Akema. Spending time with her is much better than dealing with a bloodthirsty vamp trying to take out his men. Plus, it's a full moon tonight. You know how we get when its full moon," Fetu said, turning to walk away but not before he winked at Jackson. Alexander watched as Jackson wasted no time crossing the distance between them he picked up Fetu and slammed him on the ground. Fetu landed hard but not hurt. He quickly shot his foot out, kicking Jackson in the shins sending Jackson down cursing. Jackson didn't let that deter his attack. He ended up knocking Fetu on his back while he was on top, sending vicious punches at Fetu's face. Fetu propelled his body up, knocking Jackson off this time, sending him on his back, and Fetu was on him throwing his vicious punches. Before the blood bath could continue, Alexander grabbed Jackson while Enele grabbed a laughing Fetu, spitting out blood in Jackson's direction.

"Stay away from her!" Jackson snarled. Alexander pulled him back further away from Fetu.

"Jackson, calm down," Alexander said, trying to reel his friend in. He was concerned at the amount of shaking his friend was doing his eyes were blood-red with emotions. He could not afford to lose the spirit-shifters trust in them, but most importantly, he could not allow his friend to go down this dark rage hole that he would not be able to escape.

"Or what? She has been ignoring you, in favor for spending time with me." Fetu insisted. Egging Jackson on. Alexander nearly lost control of Jackson as he tried to propel his body forward towards Fetu.

"I will fucking kill you," Jackson growled his voice laced with venom, and Alexander had no doubt his friend would if given a chance. Whatever hold the witch had on his friend, it was deep....mate worthy. With a sigh, he understood the rage of another man touching a vampire's mate. He realized his friend's anger, but he wasn't excusing it. Not at a crucial time like this.

"I'd like to see you bitch," Fetu said, propelling his own body towards Jackson, but Enele held strong. Alexander looked at Enele, pleading with him with his eyes to get his brother to shut the fuck up. Enele whispered something in his brother's ears, which caused Fetu to nod. Their struggle ended Fetu ran his fingers through his hair and placed his hands up in surrender.

"I'm calm...its vampy boy who is trying to kill me over a girl he doesn't want," Fetu said to Enele but looking at Jackson. Jackson stopped struggling against Alexanders hold, but Alexander kept his hold tight just in case.

"She told you I didn't want her?" He asked almost in a whisper, but Fetu heard him. He nodded, scratching the back of his neck, looking mildly contrite.

"She didn't go into detail, but yeah...she did..." he admitted. Feeling safe to let go of Jackson Alexander, let him go. Once he did, Jackson turned and went into the mansion without another word.

"What the fuck was that?" Enele asked his brother after Jackson was gone. Alexander did not stay for the answer. He wanted to find out from the source along with Adisa flanking him. He turned to find his friend who was in the entryway of the mansion, pacing like a caged animal.

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