He looked at her quietly and frowned, not realizing. "I-I'm sorry." He muttered. "We can find another book." He said gently and began looking through the books quietly, his eyebrows knitting together as he looked. "What do you like to read?" 

She shook her head and rubbed her face, feeling bad now. "It's okay..." she grinned. "Sometimes I don't like things but you will. Dad liked certain books mom hated." She giggled and grabbed the book he picked up earlier. "Here." She said silently worried about it anyway but not wanting him to be. "I like adventure and drama." She said. "Far off places...." she trailed off. 

Ratchet slowly took the book, blinking. "Skye.... slow down." He smiled a bit, taking her hand as he tucked the book against his chest. "It's only a book and I'm not sure if I like it yet or not because I haven't read it." He tried to calm her. "I just found it intriguing." He murmured. "Let's find you a book now, okay?" 

She nodded and smiled a little as she looked at him then glanced around again. "Well... I'm not sure what book to be honest." she whispered. "Let's keep looking though." she smiled. Ratchet nodded quietly, smiling faintly and began looking around with her, pulling books out and reading the backs quietly, showing her a few he thought she may like. 

She laughed quietly at a few then covered her mouth and glanced towards the entrance. She smiled and grabbed one that he had read. "This sounds interesting." She whispered. 

Ratchet smiled and looked at it. "That's a good one."he muttered, looking at the cover. "I read that. So did your grandmother." 

"Really?" she asked and looked at him as she smiled a little then looked at the cover again to read the title.

"Yes, The Journey to the Center of the Earth is a good one." He smiled, nodding. "I think it was made into a movie but I didn't watch it." He murmured. 

"Wow..." she whispered quietly and looked at him. "I hope to see it one day." She grinned and hugged the book close to her. "Do you want to keep looking or head out?" She asked. 

"Hmm... I think I'm good." Ratchet smiled faintly. "Unless you would like to find another book." He spoke quietly. 

"No... I'm alright." She whispered quietly and looked at him. She smiled a little and led him back over to the front. Ratchet walked with her and set the book down. He reached into his wallet quietly and began thumbing through his few one dollar bills and one five.

"Excuse me sir." The woman said at the desk. "You don't buy these books, you check them out. Don't you know that money is useless?" She said seriously and sounded a little rude. Skye glared at her and handed her the library card.

"Just let us get the books." his granddaughter said as she watched her.

Ratchet blinked, frowning a little. "I... I'm sorry. I didn't know." He muttered and began putting his wallet away. He looked lost, confused. He watched the woman take the card and swipe it. 

Skye glared at the woman and took the books. "It's okay." She whispered quietly and gently hugged his arm. "Come on Grandad." She mumbled and gently led him away from the building. She held on to him as they went down the street. 


Percy was silent until he saw Raf come in. "Hey Raf." He smiled at the man when he came in, looking over at him. "How are you?" He asked kindly. 

Rafael hesitated and looked at him then glanced to his desk. "I'm alright... just thought I left some paperwork." He said as he smiled and fixed his glasses nervously. 

The other man hummed softly, watching him quietly. "Anything I can help you look for? I think I saw most of everything, I went through some paperwork to help understand what you have so far." The man said, his dark brown eyes watching him. Raf tensed a little and nodded slowly then went over and looked around. He sighed shakily in relief and quickly put the picture in his pocket, he had found it under a few papers. He gripped the desk for a moment and sighed shakily. He missed all his friends. Everyone. 

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