"Oh that's wonderful! You take pictures of people right?" She asked.

"Yeah, I do," he smiled at her.

"Awesome! I've been trying to find a good photographer to take our Christmas pictures this year," she said. The man frowned at little bit hearing the word "our."

"Who is the our?" He asked hoping she meant her family like parents and siblings and not husband.

"Oh that would be-," she got cut off by her little boy running to her.

"Mommy! Can you watch me slide down the big slide? I can do it! I can do it!" He exclaimed grinning.

She smiled at her little boy, thinking that children will always get excited over the smallest things. But that's what she admired about children.

"Of course baby. How about you go to the slide and I'll be right over?" She asked. He nodded then went towards the biggest slide in the playground. She looked back at the man and smiled.

"By our I meant my son and I," she said.

"Oh... what about his father?" He asked.

"His father is not in the picture," she frowned then got up to go to the slide where her son was patiently waiting for her.

The man frowned and wondered if he accidentally hit a nerve he didn't intentionally mean to hit. He watched as her son slid down the slide and saw her reaction. That smile was back on her face and the little boy was grinning as well. He seemed to be going back up the playground again to slide down for another go.

The man decided to walk up to her.

"Um... hi again... uh... back there I didn't mean to hit a nerve at all. If I would have known I wouldn't have brought it up," he said nervously rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh it's alright. You didn't know," she smiled.

"What is your name by the way?" He asked. She chuckled realizing that she has been talking to a complete stranger without knowing his name.

"I totally forgot we haven't properly introduced ourselves to each other," she said chuckling. "It's Elsa. And what's your name?" She asked.

"Uh... Jack. Jackson Frost," He said and put out his hand for her to shake. She gladly grabbed his hand and they shook hands.

"Nice to meet you Jackson," she said.

"Nice to meet you Elsa," he said completely awestruck.

"Mommy!" Christian called from the top of the slide. Elsa grinned at her son, seeing him all excited always made her happy.

She watched as he slid down the slide. He got off the slide and ran to his mom. Elsa bent down and hugged him. His arms encircled around her neck while she held him by his legs and back.

"Mommy, who's that?" Christian asked just now noticing Jack's presence. Elsa smiled and kissed his head.

"This is Jackson, baby. Jackson this is Christian, my little boy," she said grinning when she looked back at Jack. Seeing her smile really made his heart beat faster.

"It's nice to meet you Christian," Jack smiled at him.

Christian got shy and started hiding his face in his mother's shoulder.

"Christian, What do you say to Jackson?" She asked. Christian kept peeking from her shoulder. He looked right at Jack.

"It's nice to meet you too," he said then quickly hid his face again while giggling. She chuckled and Jack did too.

"It was nice meeting the both of you," Jack said then got one of his business cards out and gave it to Elsa.
"Incase you still need someone to take pictures of you two for the holidays, here's my card. Give me a call anytime," he smiled at Elsa. Christian had slowly drifted off to sleep.

"I will, thank you. It was nice meeting you too," she smiled back.

After that Jack waved goodbye and hoped that she would give him a call soon for the photographer appointment.

~2 years later~

"Christian, could you come here please?" Jack asked.

After two years from first meeting, Elsa and Jack have been dating. They've been together for a while and they couldn't be happier. Even Christian.

Christian at first didn't like the fact that he had to share his mommy with someone else for a while. And the fact that he never really had a father, it also made him a little uncomfortable that he was there with his mommy.

It wasn't until Jack offered to pick up Christian from school one day that they really bonded. Elsa had work until late that day and she was stressing about it because no one was able to pick him up. Her parents were out of town and her sister still had college classes to go to. She didn't have that many friends neither. The friends she did have though were also busy. She was stressing out so much that day, that at lunch Jack decided to bring her food and hearing her stress about it made him offer to help her out.

Christian now though couldn't be happier because Jack was like the father he never had.

So... when Jack called Christian to the other room, he ran there excitedly. (Elsa and Jack had moved in together after one year of dating). He always loved hanging out with Jack since he always did funny things to make him and his mommy laugh. And if Jack makes his mommy happy then he's happy.

"Yeah, Daddy?" He asked. That also has changed. Christian started calling Jack daddy at least nine months into Jack and Elsa's relationship. Jack never questioned it. Elsa would apologize when they were alone for a few months but Jack would just shrug it off. He didn't have any problem over it. He just thought it was strange but let it go.

"I have a question to ask you bud," he smiled. Christian nodded and waited until Jack continued. Jack still had a smile on his face as he got out the ring box and showed it to Christian. He asked,
"Could I marry your mommy?" 

Christian upon hearing this started grinning. He had the biggest smile on his face. The biggest smile that Jack has ever seen on his face.

"YES!" He exclaimed and started jumping up and down. He ran to hug Jack. Jack was smiling still thinking, he will actually be my son soon too. He loved Christian as if he was his own son. He just couldn't wait to adopt him and start a new life with Elsa.

Good thing Elsa was working, otherwise it would have ruined the surprise.

Or was she?

Elsa was actually walking in through the guest bathroom door but stopped when she heard Jack call out to Christian. She hid back in the bathroom but could still hear them through the door. She didn't shut it but had it open slightly.

She heard everything and she was in tears. Not only was Jack going to propose to her but he asked her son for his permission or if he was okay with Jack marrying her first. It was truly the most thoughtful thing anybody could do for her and her tiny family of her and Christian.

But now, after one year of being married, her family is Jackson, Christian, herself, and a small baby girl named Ivy.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

A/n: Yay! Another update! I've got lots of one shots in mind that's why I'm posting more here. Let me know if you guys actually like them though because I'm not sure. Anyway, don't forget to:

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