43. Panic Attack

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|Izuku's POV|

After we finished breakfast Katsuki went to clean the dishes because he insisted to eat donuts on plates. He also told me to stop feeding children with junk like this and let him handle the food. To be honest I couldn't complain. He is like a god for cooking.

"Dad?" Daichi slowly approached to me calling my name with tired and kind a sad voice. It's not usual to see Daichi like this.

I asked him what's going on because he obviously wanted to say something but he stood there kind a frozen. Weird.

"Daichi. Are you okey?"

He nooded. In the moment Katsuki left the kitchen and came to living room where Daichi and I were. Katsuki in a second saw that there is something wrong with Daichi so he approached to him and hugged him. Daichi didn't return the hug because he doesn't do that. He is 16 years old asshole.

Katsuki let him go and told him:"You know, sometimes it's better to talk things out than keep them inside you. You don't have to talk to me if you don't want. I understand I'm a stranger to you, but talk to your father."

Daichi raised look to meet it with mine.

"It's nothing serious. I just didn't know how to tell him that mom is coming here. Today."

WHAT?!?! URARAKA IS COMING?!?! I could see that Katsuki isn't really happy either. Especially when he find out that Uraraka punched Aiko back then. But I couldn't really see any special emotion on him. He looked so heartless and emotionless. Like Shoto.

"Oh. That's nice. You will be able to see your mother again. Ryuu must be excited!" Katsuki spoke with happy voice. Weird. But Daichi looked him kind a pale. After few seconds he respond:"Yep. I guess. She is returning with her new husband. He is extremely rich. She said she has one year old son now and his name is Yuuto. She wants Ryuu and me to go live with her in New York."

"NEW YORK?!? IS SHE INSANE?!?!? DAICHI, TELL RYUU YOU AIN'T GOING ANYWHERE!!!!! YOU HEAR ME!!!! SHE AINT TAKING ME AWAY FROM YOU!" I finnaly spoke. That bitch!!! She wants take MY SONS away from me?!?!!!?!? And what?!?!? She got a new child with that new idiot of her and she is now nice god mom!?!? Oh, she can fucking try! But she ain't taking MY CHILDREN away from me.

|Katsuki's POV|

Deku is pissed as hell. I dont blame him. I wouldn't let anyone take my children away from me either.

Deku isn't even aware that he is walking in circles and punching stuffs like maniac! I ran to him to stop him because Ryuu, Daichi, Aiko and Micheal are here and I dont want them to get hurt.


He didn't listen to me. He started getting ready to punch the window but I stood in the middle hoping he would stop if he sees me. But he didn't. In a second I was on the floor. With huge pain on my eye. Deku immediately regreted what he did and lower himself to help me.

This is exactly what I was afaraid of. Children are now scared of him and Micheal started crying. But, I'm glad I was the victim and not one of them. I really care for that children, I really do.

"Katsuki I'm sorry. Please let me help you. I didn't mean to. Katsuki? Katsuki please forgive me!"

"Geez. Calm down! I'm fine." I stood up and went to comfort Micheal. Deku looked so pale and sad and angry and pissed and tired...... I felt sorry for him.

"Papa is right. Dad you need to calm down. Your aggressive behavior will not help you. Everything will be fine. We all gotta take big breathes in and out. Okey?" Aiko tried to calm everyone down and then came to me with tissues and tried to take the blood away from my eye.

"Dad. Don't worry. We now who our mom is. We won't go anywhere with her. Besides we have friends and everyone here." Daichi joined the conversation.

"Tch. I'm sorry. When is she coming?" Izuku asked courios but it looked like he wants to commit a murder.


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