10. "I miss you"

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|Deku's POV|

Men...How much I hate working this early.

"Hey Izuku. How is it going?" Ah Shoto.

"It's going great! Also I heard your son is going to middle school now."

"Ah yes he does indeed. How about you and Uraraka? Oh and Daichi?"

"They are all fine. Thanks for asking. Daichi also goes to middle school now. They really grown up so fast."

"Yes, indeed."

It's been ten more years since Katsuki is gone. And still...after 15 years I didn't...get over him. How pathetic I am.

"Izuku...pupils from X-highschool are here." Iida came. After he said that he hugged Shoto and slowly kissed him on his lips. Shoto shuttered on that and pulled Iida away when they saw me standing there....This whole time
....It was nice when they noticed me.

"Khm khm... Like I said. They are here." Iida remembered why he came. Ah yeah. Pupils from X-highschool, really famous medical school from Kyoto are coming here. Men I hate giving instructions to bunch of lazy ass teenegers.

"Bring them in." What else I could say?! After that bunch of teenegers came into the room. There was like 50 of them. Damn...This is going to be annoying. I tutored them through hospital, show them main rooms they had to know that every hospital must have. Otherwise they had to close it. While I was talking to kids there was this stupid ass girl who always asked questions and she answered on all my questions. Bitch is smart. And annoying. She reminds me of Katsuki. His passion about learning and becoming better each day. His....AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! DAMN IT! STOP THINKING ABOUT HIM! HE LEFT! HE LEFT YOU! YOU ARE MARRIED NOW! YOU HAVE TWO BEAUTIFUL CHILDREN! HE DOESN'T DESERVE YOU!

"Sir...Can you tell us how does human heart works?"

"Well..." It works like shit, that how it works. I let them watch a presentation about human heart which lasted for about three hours. Enough to get away from them. Just enough. I went to another room where I sat with Shoto, Iida, Uraraka, Tsuyu, Momo and Jiro. We all were here though. In short.

"So how does it go with children?" Momo asked smilingly.

"Dont even ask..."

"Hey we gotta tell you something..." Shoto said looking at me like he saw a ghost.

"Don't tell him!" Uraraka stood up and started yelling:"DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE TELL HIM! HE DOESNT NEED TO KNOW!"

"Know what?" I asked curiously.

"Nothing. It's nothing. Ignore that heterochromic idiot."

"Whoa whoa..." Everyone gasped on Uraraka's reaction. Shoto left hurted and Iida tried to comfort him while angry looking at Uraraka.

"What the fuck is happening?" I asked now furious. It's not usual to see Uraraka like this.

"Like I said, it's nothing!" Uraraka didn't gave up.

"Bakugou's child is here." But Tsuyu hit that. Uraraka angrily looked at her like she is going to chained her up and make her beg for mercy. Everyone else looked at me. Shoto gave papers of students that visited hospital today and on one of them was a girl named Aiko Bakugou with blondie hair and green eyes. I instantly remembered her. She was that annoying girl who know all the answers on my questions. She...looked like me......and Katsuki.....
Uraraka came to me, hugging me. Whispering to my ear that it doesn't matter cause I found a new love and that Katsuki was just a phase. But was he? I'm not that sure. Did Bakugou kept the child? Did he really kept it? But why? And then....I remembered.

"He kept the child. But he told he wouldn't so you would leave him alone. It was the best for you cause if someone heard that you have a child with a student your whole career would be over." Momo pointed.

"That's not Izuku's child. That bitch probably had sex with someone else." Uraraka added:"Come on Izuku. Let him go. It's not your child! Mei and Kairo are your children! I'm your wife!"

I stood up from the chair leaving the room and walking to the room where children had presentation. When I came in I desperately started looking for Aiko... I gotta find her.... But it was like she was gone. I could see her or even recognize her. It was dark and everybody seemed the same. I ran to the teacher. I stoped the presentation and asked teacher to call me Aiko Bakugou. She asked why am I acting so strange. She was also asking many other stupid questions like 'Why are you looking for her? Did she do something?'. How annoying. I just told her to call her. When teacher started calling her name, noone responded. In that moment Uraraka, Momo and Jiro came into the room. Uraraka was running to me and the other two were trying to stop her. When all three came to me we all started acting normal.

"Honey...Why did you stop the presentation?"

"I just wanna talk to one student."


"She answered on all my questions so I thought I could show her something."


In that moment Jiro added herself:"Uraraka you have a diing patient ready. Come on! You won't let him die, would you?" Uraraka just angrily looked at her. That bitch.

"Yeah but Izuku has too."

"No I don't."

"Yes honey it's our patient."

After that I had to leave. We all left the room. I told the teacher to continue with presentation. While we were walking through the hall it was quiet. Until...

"You were looking for me?"

Watashi no ai: RaifusākuruHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin