36. Symptoms

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|Katsuki's POV|

"Some treatment s can interfere the omega's ability to give birth vaginally or to breastfeed. Cervical cancer may require birth by Ceasorov section. Radiation to the breast reduces the ability of that breast to produce milk and increases the risk of mastitis. Also, when chemotherapy is given after birth, many of the drugs appear in breast milk, which could harm the baby."

"What Shoto is trying to say is that, we don't think we can start any serious treatment until you give a birth. Unless it will harm the baby."

I don't want that. I don't want to hurt my child. But I'm worried for my sake too. Am I selfish?

"But Katsuki gonna give birth for six months!!! His disease is going to kill him since that!"

"Izuku, calm down! We will figure something out."

I hope so. I really do. Deku didn't calm down on Iida's warning. He looked like he got even more pissed. I understand his pain, but can he understand mine?

"We will figure something out. Dont worry!"

"Momo is right. You saved many lives Izuku. And this is not your first time talking to someone who has lecemia."

That's true. He had few similar cases when I was studying for a doctor back then. Then this shouldn't be any different.

Deku will figure something out. I know he will. Also he is not alone. There is Momo, Shoto and Iida. Everything its going to be fine. I know it.


In the speed of the light, Jiro approached to me and hugged me deeply. She was probably spying. I'm not surprised. She always does that.

"Katsuki! I'm so sorry-" her words were cracking more by every word she said. She was crying on my shoulder and sobbing out of pure sadness. I..., I didn't really know how to calm her down. I wanted to stay positive but even I know.......

How this situation is tricky.

I noticed many stares. They didn't know what to do either...

Not long after her, Tsuyu came too. She is only holding my hand, though but also very tightly. She is squeezing it and sobbing with the same effort Jiro does.

Clueless about what to do......I just tried to hug both of them. Doctors were still just staring, also clueless....About what to do.

"Katsuki.....where is this blood coming from?"


That made everyone silent. Blood? Am I bleeding? What is going-

"Katsuki! Your nose is bleeding! Here take this!" Momo quickly reacted and gave me some tissues. Jiro and Tsuyu move few meters away so I can wipe it.

"It's one of the symptoms." Izuku finnaly spoke:"Nose bleeding. Others are: fever or chills, persistent fatigue, weakness, frequent or severe infections, losing weight without trying, swollen lymph nodes, enlarged liver or spleen, easy bleeding or bruising, recurrent nosebleeds, tiny red spots in your skin called petechiae, excessive sweating, especially at night, bone pain or tenderness."

"So the pain he felt this morning is probably bone pain or swollen lymph nodes." Shoto said.

That doesn't sound very good. Also it was really painful. The pain was horrible and it was eating me alive. It didn't stop for ages and I still can feel some of it. It's just like this nosebleed. It isn't painful, it just doesn't want to stop.

"So. You gotta decide. We will leave you and Izuku alone. We don't want to involve in your personal space or your decision."Iida said turning the other way looking now at Izuku:"Please be considered of consequences, Izuku."

Izuku just hissed at him and gave him glare.

"But I don't wanna go! I gotta be here fory friend!"

"Jiro, honey, please give them some space."

Jiro didn't listened. She hugged me tightly and started yelling how she will never let go. I tried to calm her down but it wasn't really successful to be honest.

"Jiro please let him go." Shoto begged her but she is stuborn.

"No! Never!" She continued yelling. Izuku looked like he is going to explode but he keep that inside. It reminded me of something that happend long time ago.....


"What, what now?"

"You are pregnant aren't you?"


"You know...If you want to abort it, I'm fine with that too."

"Or not? Kacchan answer me!"

"Kacchan? ....Do you want to keep a child? Or not? Is that simple. I know it wasn't the plan at first but we could make it. Do you wanna give a birth to my child or not?"

"Deku...I don't want that child..."


"I don't want your child. Please go away from my apartment."

I remember exactly how he looked that day. He was pissed. Annoyed. Irritated. Just like now. But I also remember that he left. He left and left me all alone with the child. He thought Im going to abort it, that's true. But he didn't even try to change my mind! Will it be like that this time to?

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