37. Truth

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|Katsuki's POV|

Will it be like that this time to?

"Jiro, in the name of God, leave Katsuki alone."


Jiro hissed on her wife like some kind of maniac. But she finnaly removed when Shoto explained to her that it will be the best to let me alone with Izuku. That way we can make things through and try find a great solution for everyone.


Yeah right. For everyone......

Jiro stood up and said:"When you finish, I will come and hug you again." I just smiled on that.

She returned me the smile and left the room with others. As soon as they left, here goes the silence. That awkward silence noone likes. That annoying silence in which you don't know if you should start a conversation or it be silence.

I was voting for silence. I know for sure I won't start a conversation. I don't even know why should I even have it? I'm carrying the child, which is his to be honest, but still. I'm carrying it, and I'm going to give birth to that child.

Izuku left when I was carrying his first child. He left and married some beta creating other children completely forgetting on me or Aiko. Excuse me, but he has no rights to talk.

"So...what are we going to do?"


"Katsuki....We don't have time for this so liste-"


"Katsuki calm down! It's not time for arguing. I know you are under a stress now, but let's try make it work."

It's not his act that makes me not trust him. I already forgive him cheating on his mated omega with some extra beta. I even forgive him leaving me. I forgive all of his sins.

It's not even his rough and loud voice that makes me not trust him. It's not even the fact that he is yelling at me now, like this is my fault.

It's his look. His expression. Like that day. When he left me. I will never forget his look that day. It was scary and full of hate. Like this one right now.

"Katsuki....arghhhhh.. " he got so angry he hited the wall with his hand. His hand was bleeding out of force and speed he used.

He then approached to my bed grabbing me for my arms and pushing down on the bed. I am now laying below him.

I'm shaking. Because of his look. His force. His expression. Everything. He stared at me deeply. It took him few seconds to make his new move.

He leaned down so close that our lips were almost touching. He looked me deeply in the eyes with look of a hunter. I didn't react to any of this. Why? I didn't have will to deal with him that moment. And to be honest, I didn't even have strength.

Izuku kissed my lips slowly and gently. It was a suprise for me because I thought he is going to be agressive. But he wasn't.

He entered his tounge inside my mouth without asking for permission. He explored my whole mouth making me slowly and quietly moan. After few seconds, he stopped.

He got up and removed himself from me. He was now standing beside my bed.

"Katsuki....I love you. Please don't die..."

What? He is crying? But why? Wait did he just- That fucking asshole! Why is he saying me that now!?!? Why now!?!!!

"Idiot. Don't cry. You are a doctor. Be reasonable." That's all I could say.

|Deku's POV|

I just can't deal with this shit again. It's like leaving in a nightmare where you are a target for a devil.

The love of my life is dying. He is dying! I don't know how to help him! I don't know what to do! And that's what I hate the most. The fact that I can't do anything to help him.

I hate myself for being weak and not here for him. I hate myself....

"What, what now?"

"You are pregnant aren't you?" He isnt responding to me. Does he parhaps doesn't want the child?

"Kacchan...?" Please answer me. This tension is killing me! Kacchan please let me threat you right.

"You know...If you want to abort it, I'm fine with that too." I'm not. I want that child. But.....if Kacchan doesn't want it.......then....

"Or not? Kacchan answer me!" Im begging you.

"Kacchan? ....Do you want to keep a child? Or not? Is that simple. I know it wasn't the plan at first but we could make it. Do you wanna give a birth to my child or not?"...?

"Deku...I don't want that child..." What? But why?


"I don't want your child. Please go away from my apartment." ... I... He... He hate me right? He hate me so much.... Kacchan hates me.....I...
If Kacchan hates means I did something to hurt him.... I would never do that.... But I probably did... Since Kacchan hates me .... If he hates me... Then I hate myself too.

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