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|Kirishima's POV|

"And that's what happend" Jiro told us everything about yesterday's situation. So Bakugou's daughter is here? I see. He didn't make a adoption as we thought.

"And Uraraka did what?" Mina asked.

"She slapped the child..." Tsuyu said:"After that Deku took the child out of the room and tried to comfort her. He said that Aiko refused his help and just ran away to her class. Later students from X-highschool, as well as she, left the hospital with teacher's greeting Deku and people who work there."

Poor child. Not aware of situation. I really want to meet her. Men, it's been 15 years since I saw Bakugou last time. FIFTEEN YEARS! I miss him. Everybody does.

"What happend next? Did Uraraka faced the consequences?" Denki was obviously furios on Uraraka. We all were. That bitch.

"Well Deku and Uraraka were arguing about that. But she only received angry looks. It's not like Iida or Shoto or Deku would ever punch a girl. Momo is civilized so she held me while I tried to kill the god inside her!" Jiro said:"Katsuki was my best friend in hospital! If Momo weren't there, Deku would become a widow!" Sero and Denki smiled on that. I couldnt help but thing about Katsuki. All these years I didn't sleep cause I was scared. I was scared that he is somewhere alone, crying for help....I had nightmares..... I thought that he isn't capable of protecting himself. I promised him to always be on his side. But I failed. That's why.... By any cost I need to find him! I need to find Katsuki!

"Did you get anything else from the girl? Like where she lives or anything?" Mina asked.

"No. But Izuku asked teacher to give him permission to meet Aiko's parents. Teacher said that he can come to their highschool on Sunday and she will give him address." Asui happily and proud answered on Mina's question.

"Great we are going with Izuku!" I finnaly added myself in conversation what made everyone look at me. After that they all nooded in a sign of agreement. Except for Jiro.

"Listen, I wanna see Katsuki as much as you do. But...wouldn't it be better if let Izuku see him first? It will be the best if we go step by step."

"Jiro is right, unfortunately. I agree with her. We should let Izuku talk to him first and then next, on Monday we could go see him!" Mina stayed by Jiro's side. After that we all nooded in agreement,even me.

|Deku's POV|

It's Sunday. I left the house telling my wife that I'm going to shopping. She just nooded. We don't talk every much after what happend the day we met Aiko. I'm still angry on her actions. She overreacted for no damn reason and slapped my daughter in face! Yes....I call her mine now. I just feel like I should. I mean...im sure she is my daughter but-. I am afraid of Katsuki's reaction. What would he do when he sees me? Will he hug me? Will he curse? Will he slap me in the face? Did he forget about me? Did he? No he didn't. He couldn't. I marked him. He couldn't forget me. Even tho I'm happy that Katsuki didn't have anyone except me, I also feel guilty. Cause when omega is mated, they need to be around their alpha most of time. Thier alphas scent makes them happy. But he ran away. Not me. If he didn't. If he just didn't ran away, things would be much different. I married Uraraka cause I was angry, abandoned and sad. It's true that Alphas share same need for their mated omega as omega share for alpha. One more reason to be scared meeting him. I feel like I'm going to lose control once I see him and I-
I stopped. Cause I arrived to my destination. The house where Katsuki lives. At least I hope so. I stood there for about 16 minutes until I decided to knock. As I did, the boy with ocean blue eyes and blondie hair, which reminded me of Katsuki's, opened doors.

"Hello! Who do you need?" He asked happily. Who is this guy? Why is he in Katsuki's house? What is happening? Then I remembered that these weird, ugly son of a bitch asked a question. I don't know why I hate him. But I do. I hate him soooooo much!

"I need Katsuki. Katsuki Bakugou. If he is free, of course." He just smiled at that and let me.

"Katsuki is in living room. You are his friend or something? It's my first time meeting you. So I'm little confused. I know all his friends. You must be new one?!" 'I know all his friends' That male hoe. Who does he think he is? I can't believe Katsuki cheated on me! Oh yes...I married. I'm no one to talk. But still-

"Hmm...yes. I am. So where is living room."

"Right here!" He said happily. Bitch. I hated his happy aura. It's so pathetic. So I headed myself where that male hoe showed me. I opened door really quietly so he Katsuki wouldn't hear me. And luckily he didn't. I saw him. I saw him after 15 fucking years! I saw him sitting on the couch with three more children. He looked so beautiful.... Wait! THREE MORE CHILDREN?!?!! KATSUKI HAS MORE CHILDREN!?!? AND THEY AREN'T MINE?!?! They are probably of that happy bastard! He fucked my Katsuki. But yet- I calmed myself down cause again, I'm no one to talk. I just felt, incredibly sad. Like really sad. Then I heard someone entering the house.

"MOM!" All three annoying ass children yelled at same time running of the room going to their mom. So Katsuki isn't theirs mom? That made me really happy. I didn't even notice that when children ran out they opened doors and Katsuki could see me. He saw me!!!! Fuck!

"Deku...?" He looked at me with tears in his eyes. I didn't know what to do. I just stood there confused and scared. My legs were shaking and I started crying. Why did I start crying? What is happening?!?!

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