22. ~Two weeks before~

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|Deku's POV|

"Omg! Papa!!!"

"Aiko, please calm down." Shoto tried to comfort her.

"No! Tell me what happend!"

"I lost control over the car." After that Aiko looked at me.


"I was arguing with your Papa about something."

"Well that explains everything!!!!!! And what about were you arguing?!?! Ha!?!"

She looked at me with a look 'do you want me to continue?!'. Ah man. My head hurts and now this.

"Don't blame him for this!"

"Mom....Calm down."

"Calm down!? That bitch Katsuki almost killed my husband!!"


"Aiko is right. I almost killed him" I said embarrassed.

"Dad? Are you Okey?" Ryuu ran to me with tears in his eyes. He hugged me tightly.

"Ah, yes I'm fine"

"Oh, honey. I told you that this man will just bring trouble."


"It's true." I said again. Embarrassed. "Is he okey?"

"He is still not awake. But he seems stable." Shoto answered. Thank goodness. I would never forgive myself if I killed him. Our argue was unnecessary, it is true. But, it had a point. Katsuki wanted to ran away. Again. I couldn't let that happend. Wait, the child-

"Honey, dress up. We are leaving!"

After that everyone leave the room, except the Aiko.

It was silent few moments. She didn't say anything and I didn't know what to say either.

"You were arguing about the new child right?" She finnaly spoke. Should I tell her? Better that than tell her that I tried to take her away.


"He wanted to leave, ha?" ... Girl is smart. I nooded as a respond. Cause, again, I don't know what to say.

"You know, I..... I don't really wanna leave. You probably don't care, but finding a father was the greatest moment in my life. Even though, our first meeting was a disaster, I was happy to finnaly meet you. And spending the day with you was the best day in my life. I just..." She started crying. I felt so sorry for her. I stood up and approached to her.

"You know, we didn't just argue about new child. We also argued about the fact that, Katsuki wants to take you away again and I can't let that happend." I whispered to her ear while I was tightly hugging her. She was crying on my shoulder and it hurted so much to see her like that.

"Hey, what about your heat?" I asked remembering why Katsuki and me were in the cat, in the first place.

"Oijiro gave me pills."


"Yes. Papa and I live with him, his wife and thier children."

Oh....so thats Oijiro! I see. I still don't like the guy though.

"So, see ya then. When Papa gets better I guess..." She said trying to leave but I didn't let her:"Why?"

"Well, I'm going home. With Oijiro. He is waiting outside the hospital.

"Why-..., Why don't you stay with me? Until Katsuki gets better. It would be nice experience.....?"

"Hahahah, that sounds great. But my Papa wouldn't like that. And Oijiro would never let me either, cause he doesn't like you."

"Well, Katsuki is recovering, so that means he can't take of you. So the other parent has to do his job. Oijiro is not your parent or anything to you, I am. That means you are coming with me."

"What about your wife? She doesn't like me."

"Nah, ignore her.". She smiled at that. Omg, she is so cute when she smiles. O my freaking god! O my freaking god! O my freaking god! O my freaking god! O my freaking god! O my freaking god! O my freaking god! O my freaking god! O my freaking god! O my freaking god! O my freaking god! O my freaking god! I LOVE HER SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!

Watashi no ai: RaifusākuruKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat