32. "Stupid"

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|Deku's POV|

Katsuki got angry on my last comment. But it's true. I can't deal with this shit. And also it's made for children. Children should watch this. Not adults!

"Katsuki....Can I ask you something?"

"What? Just be quick. I'm missing whole episode because of you idiot."

"Can you tell children that I was tired and went to bed?"

"What? Why?"

"I don't wanna watch this. It's boring and stupid. So I will go to my room and do something there. I don't know. I will watch TV there."

"What? You filthy bastard! You can't leave me alone with them. These two are your children and I'm trying to connect with them because of Aiko and you and you should be thankful and not act like a little bitch."

"Wow...Okey? But it's so boring......"

"Fine then let's make a deal."

"Hm. I'm listening."

"If you watch this till the end I will watch with you every stupid movie you want."

"Oh really. When?"

"Whenever you want and wherever you want. And remember I'm doing this because of Aiko. It seems like she really likes her new siblings so I'm trying to like them too."

I see. He is doing all this because of Aiko. He really loves her. I mean she is his child but still. Aiko told me that Katsuki never yells at her an she always does his best to make her smile. I love my children but I don't really put that much effort. If the child is unrespectful I put them in their place. Katsuki on the other hand forgive her her mistake and tries to fix it. Even though he is completely inocent. I like how much he cares about her. But it made me feel sad. Cause he never cared that much for me. He never gave much effort in our relationship.

"So? Are you in?"

"Ah sorry..." To be honest I could totally use this situation. I could use Katsuki's love towards his child to connect us. It's mean but it's the only way. "Yeah. I am. We could watch my movie tonight. In your bedroom."

"Mine? Why?"

"Because you took the biggest one and gave me the small one."

"Tch. Fine. But wash yourself before. I don't want your dirt on it."

Wow...That's mean. But I accept it. I nooded as a respond. I saw that Katsuki didn't like that idea, but he will do it. Because of Aiko.

~Time skip~

|Katsuki's POV|

I was sad when marathon ended. We watched like sixteen episodes. I wanted more. But Deku looked like he is going to die. Until the marathon was over. Then he looked like he saw a million dollars on the carpet. Daichi and Ryuu fall asleep on the couch. Aiko was awake but tired. I told her to go sleep in her room, what she gladly did.

"Deku, can you help me with your children?"


"I want to put them in your room to sleep. It would be a shame to let them sleep here."

Deku was tired but he helped me. I took the younger one, Ryuu. Because he was lighter. And putted him in Deku's room on his bed. Deku came not long after with Daichi.

"Shhhh...Sleep angel." I said to Ryuu who was slowly opening his eyes because damn Deku was to loud when he was putting Daichi on bed. I kissed Ryuu on forehead to calm him down and he fall asleep after that. I looked at Deku who was harshly blushing.

When we left the room I went to my bedroom to set up everything for Deku's stupid movie. Deku on the other hand, went to shover himself because I insisted.

|Deku's POV|

I just finished with showering and I was putting my closet now. I can't believe he kissed him. He kissed Ryuu on the forehead. It was so damn fucking cute I can't believe he did that. He likes them. I'm so jealous. He likes them more that me. That's not fair.

"Deku? Did you finish?"

"Ah yes. Just a sec." I fastly putted my closet and ran out of the bathroom. I saw Katsuki on the bed with a remote staring at a TV. He looked so cute. He was in his pajama and he looked like a freaking angel.

"And? What do you want to watch?"

You. I want to watch you. Like forever. Don't you know what you are doing to me Katsuki? My head is a fucking mess because of you! You are destroying me Katsuki!


"Ah sorry. Can I lay next to you?"

"Do whatever you want you creep!"

Ah yes. Fine. I layed next to him. He gave me the remote and looked closely to see which movie I'm going to choose. To be honest I didn't want to watch movie. It was late and I watched fucking 16 episode of that junk.

"Hey Katsuki? I don't wanna watch movie. I'm tired."

"Fine. Then go on couch."


"Yes. Daichi and Ryuu are sleeping in your room so you gotta go on couch."

"Katsuki I ain't going on couch..." Oh I fucking ain't. I'm not stupid. I'm going to use this situation.

"You can't stay here."

"Please let me sleep next to you!"


"Katsuki........." I wanted to sleep next to him so hard. So I commended him to let me sleep next to him. He didn't have any choice but to let me. I mean we are mated. When omega is mated, he/she is completely submissive towards alpha. Alpha can use special scent when omega is unrespectful. When alpha uses that scent omega completely submit to the alpha. That's the scent I use.

Katsuki looked unhappy that he let me sleep next to him. But he couldn't say no. It was against his nature.

"Goodnight Katsuki....."

"Goodnight....you stupid asshole"

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