33. Morning

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|Katsuki's POV|

I woke up to the beautiful sunny day. I really liked how calm it was so I didn't hurry to open my eyes. But when I did I saw warm and shiny sunrises coming to my face. Like I said, it was peaceful and calm.

I like it. Unfortunately I had to get up. I need to my breakfast for Aiko and her annoying ass siblings.

When I tried to get up, I couldn't. There was strong bilded arm around my waist that didn't let me get out of the bed. I quickly recognised it and remembered what happend yesterday.

That damn Deku! That motherfucking Deku!!! He can't just tell me what to do!!!!  He can't fucking control me!!!!!

I tried to put his ugly ass arm away but surprisingly it was super heavy. Yes heavy. Try you lift up an arm of unconscious person who is two times fucking bigger than you!!!!! Great! Fucking great! Now I'm talking to myself! How perfect!

"Hey Idiot! Wake up!" I tried to wake him up in quiet voice so I wouldn't wake up Aiko or her siblings. But it was enough for him to hear it.

"Deku! Remove your shot from me!" I punched him in the stomach with my elbow what woke him up. Fucking finnaly!


"Your fucking hand is on me! Remove it so I can get up!" I said pointing with my finger on his arm. He looked me deeply in the eyes without any responding, like fucking god stop staring!


"Hush. Let's not wake up anyone."

He pushed me hard into his hug. My face was facing his chest. He putted his head on mine and putted his one leg on top of mine.

"W-what are you-" He didn't respond. It was so silent and frustrating. I hate it. He is controling me. It's not fair. What I'd this happening? I don't even  know what's happening?

His heart was beating fast I could feel it. Even though he is completely in peace.

"Katsuki?" He stoped there for a couple of seconds. He started breathing harder and faster. His heart was racing like crazy. He is probably wanna ask me something what he is going to regret.

"Do you like this?". What? This? Like? There is nothing to like! Is he insane?

"Our time. When we spend together. Isn't it beautiful?" ...That's it. I'm calling the mental hospital!

"I just like having you in my arms. Your skin is so soft. Softer than cotton. It makes me so jealous."

Cotton? He compares me to a damn COTTON?!?!!?"

"I like squeezing your body. It's so fragile. I'm scared to do anything rough otherwise you will break. That would be a shame. "


"Katsuki? You are quiet. I like hearing your angel voice. It's better than what that stupid birds sing outside." Is he completely nuts?!?! DOES HE HEAR HIMSELF?!?!  The worst part is that I can't get out of this shit. He is to strong and he hugged me so tight I can't even move a muscle.

"I don't like only your voice. I like that tounge of yours too, it's very sensitive. I liked controling it with my tounge. It creates such a delightful moans that could-"

"DEKU STOP IT! JUST FUCKING STOP IT!" I know it was a trap but I couldn't listen to him anymore. He is moron. Idiot! Stupid fucking idiot!


|Deku's POV|

"I don't like only your voice. I like that tounge of yours too, it's very sensitive. I liked controling it with my tounge. It creates such a delightful moans that could-"


"Ha!" I got him. I pushed him on the bed so now I was on top of him. I looked him deeply in the eyes. He didn't even noticed that his face is like a tomato. It's very cute.

"What are you-?"

"You look like a tomato."

"Ah-!?" He crossed his hands so I couldn't see his face anymore. So cute. I removed his hands with mines and started staring at him again.

"Don't worry. I like the process when your beautiful white flawless face turns into dark hot red one."


"Hush Hush. Don't yell. Children will hear you."

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