She's still wrestling with that same piece of blue gum so she doesn't hear the presenter announcing the next song. Nor does she hear the opening notes from the guitar but what she does hear, is the opening line.

"I was told a million times of all the troubles in my way."

Roxanne pauses what she's doing as the bell above the door tinkles. Is that...?

"Mind you grow a little wiser, little better every day."

It was! Forgetting where she is, she sits up, smacking her head off of the table but she doesn't care about the fact that she's going to have a cracker of a lump later on. She stands up and rushes towards the phone, dialling the number for Roger and Brian's number, hoping that one of them is there.


"Brian!" she yells, "Brian, hi!"

"Who is this?"

"It-" she stares at the phone, "It's Roxanne! But that's not important right now-"

"Oh, hello Roxanne."

It was like he's two seconds behind in the conversation and as politely as she can, she tells him to shut up for a second and listen, holding up the phone towards the speaker that's above her.

"Well, I've loved a million women in a belladonic haze."

She holds the phone up for a good twenty seconds before returning the receiver to her ear, "Do you hear that?"

"What channel?" Brian asks, sounding somewhat breathless, "Roxanne, what station?"

She finds out from Doug and after telling Brian, she hears him instructing Roger to tune it into that channel.

"Holy shit!" she hears Roger cry and when Brian laughs, she can't help but get excited for them.

"You're on the radio!" she squeals, ignoring the curious gazes of her newest customers.

She can hear Roger singing along loudly while Brian's still laughing and she really hopes that Freddie and John are there with them because this, this was a big fucking moment for them and they deserved to experience it with all four of them there - things were really starting to feel real.

Doug lets her stay on the phone until the end of the song and then she's saying goodbye, hanging up the phone with the promise of seeing them later on at the gig and after putting the phone down, she almost dances over to the counter, sighing as she leans against it as she gives the cook a grin.

"That's my boyfriend's band. They're going to be fucking huge."


When Roxanne sees John that evening, she runs from where she's stepped out of her taxi to him, throwing her arms and legs around him when she reaches him. 

He groans quietly at the force at which she runs into him but his lips quirk up when she presses numerous little kisses to his lips. 

"You were on the radio!" she cheers as he lets her put her feet back down on the ground before he releases her, "Did you hear it? Please tell me you did!" 

"I did," he nods, sharing her excitement, "Band meeting." 

"You didn't tell me that it was going to be played," she frowns, looking around him to Freddie. 

"We didn't know, darling!" he comes over to kiss her cheek, "They told us nothing." 

"You need to get on at them about that," she says quietly as John takes her hand and the pair follow after the others, "They don't communicate with you." 

"We've got a meeting with them tomorrow," Brian says as he holds the door open for everyone, "We'll mention it to them."

"Good," she hums, "Is Rebecca coming, Rog?" 

"She'll be here before we go on," he nods and Roxanne turns when she feels a tap on her shoulder. 


"Hi!" she grins, "I feel like I haven't seen you in ages. How was the trip home?" 

Roxanne smiles, "It was great to see my mum and dad again. I think John enjoyed it more than me, though." 

Her boyfriend shrugs, "From what I've seen of it, it's beautiful." He then presses a kiss to her forehead, "I can feel Roger glaring at me from the stage. 'm going to go help set up." 

"Okay," she nods, biting her lip as he walks away and Mary gives her a knowing look. 



it's roxy's birthday (and my own) so what better way to celebrate than with a chapter

Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy (JoeMazzello!JohnDeacon fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now