Chapter 23: Project Deity-Seal

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After aiger and arlo finished arguing, the went back inside the house to get some rest. They were greeted by nika and jerry. You guys were amazing out there, nika complimented. Aww thanks nika, aiger said. I get it from dad, arlo said. Gotta say, you three make a good team, jerry complimented. I guess we do, nika said. But we didn't come to fight monsters, we came to ask for help with our school project. Oh right I almost forgot, aiger said. Out of all the excitement, it must of slipped my mind, arlo said in embarrassment. You said you needed help with celestial bronze right, jerry asked. Yeah, I'll be fine but I don't want these two to accidentally dispel themselves, arlo explained. What do mean accidentally, aiger shouted. We're not clumsy you know, nika shouted. Okay okay sorry no need to shout, arlo apologized. But we'll need more than just celestial bronze, we're gonna need goddess amber and some shock stone, jerry explained. Goddess amber, nika said confused. Shock stone, aiger said confused. Ohh, I'll explain, jerry offered. Goddess amber is a gemstone created by the gods to seal magic, evil deities, dangerous monsters, or those with a wicked heart. This made nika and aiger look worried. But they're only sealed if they have wickedness in their hearts, jerry kept explaining. But if your someone with a good heart, you won't be sealed. Since you two have that, you'll be fine. Shock stone is a rare stone that can absorb any attack to empower itself. In other words, turning attacks into power. Hey my twin brother toko has a bey that can do that, nika added. That's great, but back to the point, there isn't much shock stone left. I know where we can find some, arlo said. Where, everyone asked in interest. In the pit of Tartarus, in the underworld, he answered. No, no, we are not going there, nika protested. That's were the titans are imprisoned, you have to be crazy to go there, jerry scolded. Luckily being crazy runs in the family, arlo said. Which is why I'm going alone, my dad's an ally to Hades, so he'll let me in. I just hope thanatos lets me leave in one peice, he said worried. Wait, who, aiger asked in confusion. He's the personification of death, arlo explained. If he touches you, you die. Even though I haven't meet him yet he's freaking me out, aiger said frightenly. That's why he's gaurding the titans as we speak, arlo reasoned. But if he's there, he'll kill us, nika protested. That's why I gotta ask an old freind for help, arlo told her. An old friend, aiger asked confused. His name is Nico de Angelo, son of Hades, and another cousin, arlo explained. I know he can help. The creatures of the underworld obey no one, except hades and his children. And he's a nice guy, and I'm sure he'll listen if I told him about M.A.C.A and it's students. He might even transfer there if he likes it. I'll make sure to remember that tomorrow, he thought.

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