Chapter 15: Monsterous Midnight Joke

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After a moment of thinking, arlo came up with a story. I got a good one, he shouted. And at the same moment, there was some bustling in the bushes close to the camp. They all jumped up in fear. I wasn't sacred, just startled, arlo said. Me too, aiger said. What was that, nika asked them. How am I suppose to know, both of them said simultaneously. Why don't you check it out alro told aiger. Why me, you should check it out, aiger protested. Someone's gotta protect the camp, arlo responded. I'll protect the camp, and you go check out the bushes, aiger said. What's wrong, you scared. No of course not, arlo shouted. Fine, I'll see what's in the bushes, arlo declared. He grabbed a sword he picked in the chariot, and went into the bushes. As soon as he went in, he shouted in pain, and his arm was torn off. The arm was sent flying, and landed near nika. Both looked in terror, and went close to eachother, to stay safe. Then something emerged from the bushes. It made a moaning sound like a possessed zombie. And it came out trying to attack aiger and nika. They both screamed in terror. Not wanting to get killed, aiger used Z defence, to protect both him and nika. But the creature didn't attack. Instead it laughed, but after nika shone some light on it, they realized it was arlo. Y-you, haha, should o-of, se-seen haha, the l-look on y-your faces, arlo said while laughing. That was your idea of a joke, aiger said angrily. And what about your arm. I can regenerate my body from almost anything. It hurt, but it was worth it, arlo said still laughing. That was a cruel joke arlo, nika said in upset. I know, that's why it's funny. You thought that was funny, aiger shouted. High-larious, arlo told him. But yeah sorry, couldn't resist. We'll forgive you just this once, nika told him, still mad at his idea of a joke. If it happens again, I make sure to clobber your face, aiger told him, still mad. Fair enough, arlo assured them.

To be continued.............................

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